SATA and Redhat 7.3??? You gotta be kidding me. Why do you want to do that???
Anyways, afaik Redhat 7.3 will not be supporting your drive and your SATA port by default. What you need to do is have a custom kernel with SATA support compiled in hand.
If you have another system with Linux then compile a custom kernel on tht machine. Install Redhat 7.3 on the system you want, boot off a live CD, install the custom kernel using a floppy or something, edit your grub/lilo.conf and you should be fine.
If you don't have another system with Linux, then install a more modern distro on your system (eg: Ubuntu or Mandriva). Compile a customised kernel with buildin SATA support. Now install Redhat 7.3 on another partition and use the kernel you earlier compiled.
All this won't be easy as you might have to upgrade lots of other things like modutils etc. My suggestion, go for a newer distro.