10K budget, please help to choose

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Broken In

I need a new phone in range 9-11k. I will be using it for listening to music(main purpose) and taking snaps. I have narrowed down to 2 phones:

N70 ME-10k
(Source: Latest prices sticky thread)

The main problem with SE which I have heard is of no Symbian(lack of apps). I will at least need a dictionary and MS Office reader which I know is available for Nokia. Also what about battery life of SE phones.

Please help me out, also suggest me any other good phone in this range.


Rockin g33k
The 5700 is miles better than that N73 crap except for the cam.

and @threadstarter- you get a dictionary named Viren's dictionary for java phones.Its the best i have come across.Better than most dictionaries out there.You wont get an office file reader however.


left this forum longback
N73 for symbian+music+camera all rounder I would say! :D I had bought a SE K810i and used it for around 2 weeks and exchanged with a big loss to have N73ME.the reason is cant live without a powerful OS.

apart from that ,SE K810i owns N73 in camera ,fast and responsive OS etc. :D


Cyborg Agent
praka , dont compare a dumb ( camera-music ) phone to a smartphone like n73 ..if u want a very fast smartphone then get n82 ..


5700 is a gud phone with almost all multimedia features except a high end camera
however it has 16m screen which looks awesome.


Be CoOl rAp RuLeZ !!!
btw i think 5700 production has been stopped


except speed N73 beats 5700

5700 only if you need a very good symbian device


Broken In
I'm confused now:(

I will need apps like MS Office readers which apparently SE lacks. So it's Nokia only now(5700 or N73ME).

Which one of these has better battery??

Another ques: will 3G be useful or not as it won't be coming to India anytime soon?


Broken In
I had posted a similar thread in the past week and decided on the Nokia 5700.
It has
*Symbian 3rd edition v9.3
*ARM11 369MHz processor
*QVGA screen
*GPS module compatibility
*Better than average music player(with Philips manufactured headphones) and camera

However the production has been discontinued a long time back and hence it is very difficult to procure this handset and even more difficult to get it under 10k.
I had already placed an order on Monday and I am still to receive the handset.
Seems as if I have just ordered a custom designed phone.Talk about novelty:p


Be CoOl rAp RuLeZ !!!
better buy N73 which is still under production

N73 screen is big
N73 cam ROX
N73 internal memory size is more

5700 may sound better than N73
5700 looks rox

Btw i am proud N73 owner :D


Super Moderator
Staff member
Get N73....Better than 5700 as an all-round phone.......

And then upgrade its firmware to that of Music Edition for free......:D

Or simply get 5700.....It has better music quality than N73 and faster UI.......


Techtree Reviewer
5700 is difficult to come across nowadays. Dunno what happened. None of the shops have it in stock. And even if you find one it'll be 11k. I myself bought my 5700 for 11k two months ago. I'll suggest you get Samsung i450. I find it better than N73, except for the camera, which is obviously better in N73.


Be CoOl rAp RuLeZ !!!
^^^ dude I450 is priced higher then N73 even the ME version

and it's competitor is the N81
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