10 seeeeeriously cool workplaces

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Aspiring Novelist
10 seeeeeriously cool workplaces
October 5, 2006 @ 2:23 pm


Physical space matters. It’s easier to be productive, creative and happy at work in a colourful, organic, playful environment than in a grey, linear, boring one.

And I’m not talking about the outside of the building. Many companies have buildings that are sleek, modern, architectural glass-steel-and-cement sculptures on the outside - and cubicle wastelands on the inside. These companies need to remember that most employees tend to work inside the building.

With that in mind, here’s some eye candy from 10 different innovative, well-designed workplaces.

(Also check out my post on 12 Ways to Pimp Your Office).


Could you sit in grey cubicles and come up with stuff like The Incredibles and Finding Nemo? Naaaaah… And that’s why Pixar’s offices look more like this:

*static.flickr.com/116/261734656_17171c8bf9_o.jpg *static.flickr.com/102/261734658_f7c6a4bbe8_o.jpg


The last picture shows a row of little huts, each of which is an office. The pictures are from this cool photo tour of the Pixar HQ.



i love the first one.. its quite similar to mine... but mine has two screens anda bit more cleaner :D:p


Aspiring Novelist
I prefer the second though.

And, of course, I would just love it if I could work at Pixar. :gooey eyed:
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