
  1. S

    req tutorial for this.......digit?

    hi! friends can some one of u give the tutorial to create auto play as now a days digit using in CD or DVD and plz tell me which software to use :( thanks:D
  2. blackpearl

    My blog made it to Digg Homepage!!

    I posted a tutorial once here in Digit. Install Fedora Core 5/Suse 10 without burning CDs I modified and rewrote the tutorial to include support for 8 different distros and posted it on my blog. That article made it to Digg's first page...
  3. shyamno

    Tutorial Required for this Kind of Logo ....

    HI guys....can anyone...please post a tutorial by himself or any suitable link ...for making a logo or Text just like this....
  4. bhutanesedude

    Need Help For Add Free Hosting

    guys, I have come to know that in free webhostings, we can disable the add....but as such I did not find any add disabling tutorial for Sitebugr, so any one has an idea how to disable the add in siteburg.com..please do let me know...Thanks
  5. User Name

    link of that tutorial

    hi i heard from my friend that there is tutorial of playing songs in winamp from Mobile phone(using bluetooth) on this forum.unfortunately he doesn't know the title of that post.I hav searched but didn't find.:( Can u please post that link. Thanks in advance.:)
  6. B

    REquired Tutorial for C++ and C#

    hiii,,, whould u all provide me a basick use of C++and C# tutorial... i will very thank fulll to u .... Regards, Bipul Singh
  7. Vishal Gupta

    TUTORIAL: How to Create Yahoo! Messenger Skins

    Guys Recently I released my first Yahoo! Messenger skin "Y! Vista": *www.thinkdigit.com/forum/showthread.php?t=62901 A few ppl asked me how I created the skin, so lemme reveal the secret. :D Actually I searched lots of Yahoo! Messenger files in its "Program Files" folder, opened...
  8. BBThumbHealer

    Tutorial Req : Installation Of Fedora 7

    Hi Guys.... Can ne1 post an exact step by step tutorial of installing Fedora 7..i wanna switch over to Linux desperately but dunno how to install .....earlier i tried installing Fiesty Fawn but failed.. also plz post how to create those SWAP Partitions ! Thnx BlackBerry7100g... :)
  9. BBThumbHealer

    TUTORIAL : Modded System Files Using Resource Hacker Contd...

    TUTORIAL : Modded System Files using Resource Hacker Hi Guys, Was having the fever of making my Windows look different than what actually is...so i tried my hands on Resource Hacker ! Now , its in front of u what i have created... i m gonna post the codes n exact tutorial so that other...
  10. S

    playing PSP games in PC

    can anyone plese tel me some good emulation sw to enable us to play psp games in pc...if possible along with a tutorial on how to use them..... thanks:) srinath
  11. shyamno

    How to Create slideshow using Flash or Photoshop -----Help Required

    Hello guys... Can anyone give a tutorial on how to create a photo slideshow using Flash or CS2(Photoshop) ????
  12. K

    Python tutorial (this is a request)

    hey, does anyone know of a good python tutorial for a beginner to programming? any links would be appreciated
  13. Quiz_Master

    Configuring BSNL Modems to Forward Ports.

    rakeshishere's tutorial Titled "Torrenting For Dummies" inspired me to write this tutorial. You can read his tutorial here :- *www.thinkdigit.com/forum/showpost.php?p=479411&postcount=1 There he said that configuring your Router (Or modem) to forward ports is a must for fast download...
  14. Vishal Gupta

    TUTORIAL: Change Yahoo! Messenger Default Status Messages With Your Own Messages

    Hi guys! So lemme tell u how I found this trick? :D Recently I started using WLM and I used to hv my own customized status messages in both yahoo! messenger as well as WLM. But I found an annoying thing in Yahoo! messenger. That it always forgets our own customized messages at every startup...
  15. cyborg47

    HDR(High Dynamic Range) in PHOTOSHOP!

    Its not my tutorial, but found very interesting. *www.photoshopsupport.com/photoshop-cs3/hdr-high-dynamic-range/index.html
  16. cyborg47

    Matrix Coded Walls Using Photoshop!

    In this tutorial we are going to make a room with matrix coded walls. This tutorial is much similar to the tutorial given in the Fast Track to Photoshop, At the end of the tutorial you'll get this Here we go, Create a new page with a black background and of size 1024X768. The resolution...
  17. krates

    Creating Color Comics In Photoshop

    These two tutorials by Chris Arlidge at Steel Dolphin Creative walk you through the steps you need to create beautiful and realistic comic book art in full color. The tutorials make use of the channels palette extensively, but you can use layers with some modifications. Preparing Line Art...
  18. JamesTryForYou

    FL studio 7xxl producer edition tutorial requested

    Hi guys,please anyone give me complete basic tutorial for Fl studio 7 xxl Producer Edition. :)
  19. JamesTryForYou

    Give me complete guitar tutorial.

    Hello guys, can anyone gimee some complete free guitar tutorial links. I am using a book named "Complete idiot guide to guitar tutorial " , if someone hadalready followed the book, please tell me is it sufficient enough to complete full guitar lessons. Thanks in advance.
  20. kirangp

    Opening of ports for torrent downloads...Here is a gud website

    I thought I wud create a new thread itself for this problem.Many people who r using older versions wont even be knowing that ports have to be opened up for downloading through torrents.I use Bitcomet.Only in 0.83 or .84 bitcomet shows that the ports are not opened..It might show in other torrent...
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