
  1. praka123

    Development Release: Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 Beta 2

    * why?because world's many of the servers and mission critical apps relies on Debian GNU/Linux :) Ubuntu ,mepis and other major distributions are based on Debian GNU/Linux
  2. MetalheadGautham

    Zenwalk 5.2 released !

    Damn and I was just thinking of installing 5.1... Read More Download Directly MD5 Sums: ea1c98e330aab7a8f923abb0a0a52037 zenwalk-5.2.iso BitTorrent - Offitial BitTorrent - LinuxTracker
  3. G

    Firefox 3 RC2 Released!!

    Firefox 3 RC2(Release Candidate 2) Released This second Firefox 3 Release Candidate is a preview release of Mozilla's next generation Firefox browser and is being made available for testing purposes only.;) *
  4. desiibond

    Windows chief talks about Windows 7

    Source: * Posted by Ina Fried 52 comments Buzz up!on Yahoo! REDMOND, Wash.--Since taking over the Windows development reins from Jim Allchin, Steven Sinofsky has chosen to fall almost completely off the public radar. It's not that...
  5. H

    Fedora 9: Leading Edge OR Bleeding Edge

    Hehe, as funky as the title appears, it isn't. Here's an article on which treads the path of Fedora's balancing act. * I'll directly write the conclusion here from the same source. Most seasoned Fedora users won't find anything new here, and Fedora...
  6. Dark Star

    Fedora 10 Release Schedule

    Hardly a week past and Fedora developers came up with release schedule of their next major release fedora which will obviously feature the spanking new KDE 4.1 & Gnome 2.24 :) and other new software.. Source : Releases/10/Schedule - Fedora Project Wiki
  7. PcEnthu

    MSI 'Wind' - EEE PC got a contender

    MSI has released their 'Wind' NBs to contend the ultra portable NB segment. It clearly resembles the EEE PC 9 incher, but its specs are more promising than the later like the HDD instead of SSD, a 6 cell battery, inbuilt bluetooth module and so. Techtree has some details regards its specs...
  8. A

    Firefox 3.0 RC1 released

    Release Notes:* download:* or *
  9. gary4gar

    Adobe releases Flash Player 10 For Linux

    Read more.... Two important things i would like to point out. * This release is in tune with windows version & have all functionality which windows version has * This is released under Open Specifications.
  10. CadCrazy

    Mozilla Gives the First Taste of Firefox 3.0 Release Candidate 1 (RC1)

    While the wait for the final Firefox 3.0 is still far from over, with the browser needing to continue to bake for approximately one month, the first bits of what could end up as the gold release are already available for download. At this point in time, Mozilla is in the final stages of cooking...
  11. ancientrites

    Nvidia geforce 175.16 driver release for windows xp 32 bit

    GeForce Release 175 WHQL Version: 175.16 Release Date: May 13, 2008 Operating System: Windows XP, Windows XP Media Center Edition Language: U.S. English File Size...
  12. Dark Star

    Fedora 9 'Sulphur' Released

    After lots of waiting Red Hat Released their latest Desktop/Server version of Fedora Linux Lets take a quick look at its feature Fedora is a Linux-based operating system that showcases the latest in free and open source software. Fedora is always free for anyone to use, modify, and distribute...
  13. CadCrazy

    KDE 4.0.4 Announced by the KDE Community

    KDE 4.0.4, the fourth bugfix and maintenance release for the 4.x branch of KDE, was announced today by the KDE Community. KDE 4 ships with a basic desktop and applications for system administration, networking, educational and multimedia software, games, web development tools...
  14. CadCrazy

    First Alpha Release of KDE 4.1 Is Here

    The first alpha release of KDE 4.1 was launched today, as the KDE Community announced, and it provides a first preview of what we can expect from the final version, due for release on July 29. Let's have a quick look at the features that will be available in KDE 4.1: • KDE...
  15. gary4gar

    Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Release Candidate Released

    Spread The news - Digg it consider this release candidate to be complete, stable, and suitable for testing by any user. so its safe to upgarde now, to avoid the release rush & madness. 24April is going to be a mad day Source
  16. abhinandh

    Windows XP SP3 Release Dates

    With Service Pack 3 for Windows XP just over the horizon, we've managed to get our hands on the internal schedule for the release of the highly anticipated update to the aging operating system. As you can see in the list below, most of the stages will occur before the end of the month, though...
  17. ray|raven

    Symphony One.

    From the site : * Wow! and i thought it died. Mezzo rocks!!Hope they release the DE seperately.
  18. CadCrazy

    No More Betas, Firefox 3.0 Release Candidate 1 (RC1)

    No more Betas for Firefox 3.0, according to Mozilla. Beta 5 was in fact the last beta for the next iteration of the open source browser. Mozilla is making headway with the development of Firefox 3.0 and has now entered a new stage in the building of the browser. While Beta 5 will not by any...
  19. CadCrazy

    KDE 4.0.3 and Kubuntu Packages Are Now Available

    The third maintenance release of KDE4 was released a few minutes ago, as the KDE Community announced. KDE 4.0.3 brings you a lot of bug fixes, performance improvements and many updated translations for most of its components. It is already translated into 48 languages and...
  20. CadCrazy

    Firefox 3.0 Beta 5 pre-release version available for download

    Here is the first taste of Firefox 3.0 Beta 5. Mozilla has made available for download a pre-release version of the next development milestone of its open source browser. According to the official Release Tracking & Schedule from Mozilla, the Release Candidates of Firefox 3.0 beta 5 have...
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