
  1. drsethi

    Opensuse doesnot shutdown

    I have a PIV computer with Windows XP and Opensuse 10.3 installed. Now when I shutdown my computer in Opensuse it stops at the point Skipped services at runlevel 0 susefirewall2_setup. However I can restart my computer by pressing ctrl-alt-del. Disabling firewall also doesnot work and...
  2. timemachine

    Some help regarding openSUSE

    I found opensuse in this month's subscription of subscription. I installed whatever i like. But i think there was some problem with the installation:(. The monitor turns off when logon screen is to be appeared.:(:confused: I think i got configuration settings as Monitor LG 15 cm and...
  3. A

    How to make seperate DVD of OpenSuse 10.3?

    I'm trying to make separate DVD of OpenSuse 10.3 from the dual layer DVD i've got this month. Please give me the list of file I have to copy.... Pleeeaaassssee.
  4. bibjee

    Smartlink 2800 chipset modem on opensuse 10.3

    Hi guys, i am just unable to configure my smartlink 2800 chipset based modem on opensuse 10.3 . i was able to make it work on ubuntu 6.10 and 7.04 using the drivers from * because all i had to do was extract the package and then type...
  5. C

    Bootable usb linux

    I need a usb Linux with the following packages Essential: Latex Xfig Gnuplot Ntfs support Gnumeric Shell / awk C / c++ programming Preferred /Optional Internet support (wvdial, kppp, Firefox or better / opera with flash / java support)Thunderbird Samba (windows connectivity) Mp3 support...
  6. B

    How to write separate DVD for Linux OS provided in Digit DVD

    Hi, First of all, Thanks for providing Linux distros in Digit DVD. You guys are working best. I want to write separate DVD for OpenSUSE to give my friends. But I don't want to write dual layer 8GB DVD everytime. I just want to write normal 4GB DVD. So, Please provide me info how to write...
  7. A

    Problem with openSUSE

    Hey friends, I have logged here after one month. Have anyone of you installed openSUSE 10.3 from digitDVD. I have installed it and have problem that when I start linux from dropp down menu(as I have windows xp also) then a progress bar of white colour comes, when it is completed then the screen...
  8. S

    Bridged mode on opensuse 10.3

    yesterday i installed opensuse 10.3 on my PC.i use bridged ,ode on my MTNL DSL broadband. guyz,please help me in configuring my connection for bridged mode.
  9. M

    'OpenSuse 10.3 Live' available now

    Source:- *
  10. D

    Anyone in Kolkata having openSUSE 10.3 or Mandriva 2008 DVD?

    Hi all I have a very slow connection so I can't dream of downloading big files. But I love linux and desperately want the DVDs of openSUSE 10.3 and Mandriva 2008. So if anyone in Kolkata has the DVD of openSUSE 10.3 or Mandriva 2008, please let me know. I will myself come to you with a blank DVD...
  11. Garbage

    [HELP] My new Laptop can't run Linux...

    Hello... Yesterday I brought a new HP Pavilion dv6000 Laptop Here is the configuration.. But now, the problem is that I can't install ANY Linux on it. :( I tried... In these all, only OpenSuSE 10.2 is able to boot but unable to load Desktop Effects and Sound. :-( Others simply refused...
  12. Dark Star

    openSUSE 10.3 Available Now!

    The long awaited, award winning openSUSE 10.3 has been released today with everything a user needs to get started with Linux. It includes a flexible Linux-Windows dual-boot configuration, Microsoft Office file compatibility with the latest office productivity suite and enhanced...
  13. Dark Star

    openSUSE 10.3 RC1 Released!

    After quite a few rebuilds and testing, the openSUSE team is happy to announce that RC1 looks brilliant and is now available for download. We consider this release to be feature complete, stable, and suitable for testing from any user. For more information on the release schedule. libzypp...
  14. Dark Star

    openSUSE 10.3 Beta 2 Released

    The openSUSE team is working hard on the new version of their free Linux operating system, scheduled for release somewhere in October, very close to the Ubuntu 7.10 release. They are proud to announce today the second beta version of openSUSE 10.3. This beta comes with the latest and greatest...
  15. eddie

    openSUSE will try to reduce boot times to 5 seconds

    Distrowatch Weekly in its 203rd issue reports about the recent efforts being made by openSUSE Boot Time group in order to reduce the boot time to 5 seconds Source: Distrowatch Weekly
  16. eddie

    openSUSE survey reveals some interesting facts

    An online survey was conducted by openSUSE after their 10.2 release in which more than 27,000 users participated. It reveals some interesting facts. Here are a few for you people to ponder about :) What I find interesting is that Linux users are young and they have the energy to carry Linux...
  17. aditya.shevade

    How to host website on OpenSuSE 10.2?

    Hi I have had enough experiences of free web hosts, and now I would like to host my site on my PC. It is on 24X7 with internet, so I am thinking of giving it a try. The site has HTML and also some Javascript (No php, perl, etc...). Can anyone tell me how to host the site on OpenSuSE...
  18. Third Eye

    OpenSUSE 10.3 Alpha 3 Released

    The third alpha of the upcoming openSUSE 10.3 was released for testing today. The most important changes in this release are the GNOME 2.18 and the latest kernel, 2.6.21 RC5. Highlights of this release: • On x86-64: Firefox is now a 64-bit package and uses nspluginwrapper...
  19. hellknight

    DVD Ripping software for openSUSE 10.2

    Hey guys!! I'm on openSUSE 10.2 and love working on it. I've enabled its all multimedia features and really love it. But I can't find a suitable dvd ripping software for my distro!! Please suggest a good one, also it would be nice if it would support plenty of codecs, x.264 should be must...
  20. Ray

    Can't play mp3's in OpenSuse in 10.1

    I've recently installed OpenSuse 10.1.But whwnever I try to play mp3's it says that xine engine cannot play mp3's.what do i need to download and install and how do i install it.
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