
  1. Beta Waves

    NTFS Problem

    Hi all , I have 5 partitions in my hard disk . All of them are formatted in NTFS .... I have installed XP Professional and Vista Ultimate on two partitions ..... Except these two partitions Compression is enabled on all the other partitions .... Now i want to enable compression on these two...
  2. aadipa

    Error installing Ubuntu

    Hello every one. Just giving a try at Linux. I downloaded Ubuntu 7.10 ISO and installed it on my HDD. Now GRUB was not installed properly. Here is description of my HDD config. SATA1 HDD1 - WinXP is installed on first primary partition on NTFS. Other partitions are NTFS only SATA2 HDD2 -...
  3. M

    Windows 2000 - How to Format with NTFS ?

    Hi Friends, I am facing problems. PLzzzzzzzz Help me out. I am having windows 2000 installed on my PC - C drive. Its having FAT32 system. I have deleted everything on my D drive.....and now i want to format it with NTFS option. How to do it ? I tried by right-clicking on D drive and...
  4. M

    ntfs conversion?

    guys i want to convert my c: drive (boot drive) from ntfs to fat32... is thre any way...i dnt want to format it.. also...tell me wat are the pros and cons of both the formats.??
  5. P


    Hi, I need a help on the below problem. One of my drive has suddenly changed from NTFS to raw and I am unable to access this drive, when i check with any partition utlity I can see the contents of the drive. so the data is secure but not able to access. Please help!!!! Thanks in...
  6. ayushman9

    help to make a bootable ghost dvd

    I regularly use Norton ghost ( IT IS AN OLD VERSION THAT RUN ONLY IN MS DOS ) to make backup and install windows ,it saves lot's of time . However as i have to experiment with Linux distros ,i decided to make a master boot disk (DVD) with a norton ghost image and software .The thing is that...
  7. L

    Just created an XP live cd but....

    hey ppl i just created an xp live cd using bart pe builder as featured in digit take a crack but i am not able to format my ntfs partition is there any way to format ntfs partitions through dos mod(using 98 boot up disk) or through the bartpe live cd
  8. digit i am thinking

    FAT 32 to NTFS How?

    How to convert a FAT 32 drive into a NTFS without formating it?
  9. N

    Installing SUSE Alongwith Vista-Some queries

    i want to install SUSE 10 (the one bundled with digit) on my pc.now i wanna know will my printer HP 1210 work? does SUSE support SLi-i have 2 7950's? how to install it? i have 2hdds-1 of 500 gb and other one of 160gb.i can install it in the 160gb one.in windows this is the partition info-...
  10. S

    NTFS partitions in UBUNTU?

    Can I view NTFS partitions in ubuntu?
  11. blackleopard92

    expanding ubuntu partition

    hi all, well, i have a slight problem. Currently, i have 6+1gb partition allocated for ubuntu. however, as my development work has been increasing on it, so has my space need. Therefore, i was able to free up about 6 more gb of space from my NTFS partitions. i can use Norton Partition magic...
  12. S

    Mounting DVD-Writer and Win NTFS partitions in Linux

    Hi, I have a SATA DVD-Writer and SATA HDD. I have installed XP, Vista and VectorLinux in the system... In Linux, the Windows partitions were not mounted automatically by VectorLinux, so I went to /etc/fstab and added lines like /dev/sda1 /mnt/winc ntfs umask=0 0 0 for each of the...
  13. P

    how to configure ntfs drives/drivers? IN ubuntu

    I've 3 drives in windows partitioned as ntfs. Earlier it used to be loaded just as read only. I got ntfs-3g, installed it and modified fstab so that those drives are always configured as r/w using ntfs-3g I also have an 160gb external drive, also formatted as ntfs. Whenever I insert it, Ubuntu...
  14. Dark Star

    NTFS write error!

    I installed ntfs-config apt-get install ntfs-config Now after using this I got this errorr Mounting /media/sda1 failed. $LogFile indicates unclean shutdown (0, 1) Failed to mount '/dev/disk/by-uuid/C4445B1A445B0F14': Operation not supported Mount is denied because NTFS logfile is unclean...
  15. Aditya11

    "Lost/Invisible" NTFS Partition recovery...Help!

    I have two HDD's with two partitions on each. Yesterday I re-installed Windows XP on the first HDD and to my horror XP detected only the first partition on second hdd...this 'lost' partition is NTFS and has about 30 GB of crucial data. In Disk Management too, it shows only the first partition...
  16. src2206

    Artistx Distro

    Hi I have tried to use the ARtIStX Distro provided in August Digit DVD, but I could not mount the NTFS volumes. :( Is it possible to use the ntfs volumes in Read-Write mode while using this distro in Live CD mode? :confused: Please help Thank you
  17. T

    should system files be compressed

    Does compressing system files like that in windows folder on ntfs file systems affect performance?
  18. godling

    Bootable Linux: Need Help

    I have a 80GB portable HDD formatted in NTFS file system. Is there a live linux (bootable from a CD) which can recognize NTFS file system? Will Knoppix be able to identify my NTFS portable HDD when I plug it into the USB port? or should I go for Ubuntu?
  19. V

    convert fat32 to ntfs

    can any one tell me how to convert fat32 patition to ntfs specially c:? how to unmount c: before converting
  20. uzair

    Big keg o questions?

    i have a couple of questions guys..help me 1>my laptop used to have three os's.. xp home on C: xp pro on D: xp media centre on E: as you might guess it the first two happen to be pirated..so i deletd the main program and "windows" directory of C: and D: i now use only the genuine media center on...