
  1. Cyrus_the_virus

    The patent wars have begun

    When Steve Ballmer blurted out on October 9 that Linux was violating patents held by Microsoft and specifically named Red Hat, it was an indicator that the next phase in the campaign of harassment and extortion of companies dealing in free and open source software was about to begin. Read the...
  2. Gigacore

    Newton's Laws

    Have a look at this...creativity at its best. 1st Law A Desi Will Continue to Stay in USA Due To Inertia of Green card until and unless an external Force Called Deportation is Applied. 2nd Law The Force of Deportation F = ma Where m = Amount Of Money Desi...
  3. ArZuNeOs

    Was it Airtel.....Oh boyya ! [Man wrongly detained for 50 days]

    Guys i am not sure whether u have read this Police in India wrongfully arrested and detained a Bangalore man for 50 days after internet service provider Airtel mis-identified him as the person who posted images on Orkut that insulted a revered historical...
  4. C

    Fake or True?? Help!!!

    Jst got this mail now: Lol I m scared.... Is it a spam or ture???
  5. R

    Punish those who use torrent sites

    Just came across news that one of admin of torrent site was punished by US law and sent to jail. So is using torrent sites punishable by law? How safe downloading softwares/music using torrents in india? Should we stop using these sites???
  6. william


    Guys plaees help me . tell me what will happen in this circuit diagram and please support your answer with a reason.If you wnat to explain it with the help of any law then you can do so. Circuit diagram is at...
  7. iMav

    Piracy's legality???

    I am not sure of this but i read some where that personal use of for example say a movie is not wrong but what is illegal is distribution ....... what does indian law say about it
  8. sid_ashok

    Broadband law rewrite planned for 2006

    check this out *
  9. N

    EU decision on Software Patent Law

    The European Parliament's request for a proposed software patent law to be scrapped and started from scratch was ratified by senior members of the Parliament on Thursday, but campaigners from both sides are split on what will happen next. The proposed law would make allow software to be...
  10. F

    Moore's Law ???????????

    What is Moore's Law ?, How is it related 2 comps and is it of any use 2 the common man ?.