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  1. N

    [Solved] USB port voltage

    We use the usb port to charge a lot of our devices na... could someone tell me what is the exact output voltage of the usb port..?
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    Signal Triangulation

    :smile::smile:Thank you very much for the reply:smile: Well..I understand the very bare essential and antennas are out of my understanding. So, I would be very thankful if you could kindly elaborate a bit more..provide some reliable links...I ve done some searching but some of them seem to...
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    Signal Triangulation

    I guess this is not exactly the right pace to be asking this..But why not give a try:-) Here is my Problem I am attempting to build a transmitter locating device. so instead of using a single antenna and a S meter, I thought of using a 3 antenna system. Signal triangulation, kind of8-)...
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    Sony or Samsung?

    I have planned to buy a 32inch LED TV. Initially I was inclined towards sony, however, I ve heard that samsung is also good. Kindly advice. N 1 more thing... among LED and LCD which is the better one?
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    By Demand [April 2011]

    Now that would be a really great idea. Fast track on C++. But pls try not to fill it up with the bare minimum like "hello world" and try to include object oriented programming8-)
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    locked mmc

    well... i aint sure i locked it...i dont think i did...
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    locked mmc

    I am using a nokia 6233... the mmc has got locked by mistake and i dunno the password... cant format it coz it asks for password. cant use fexplorer as its only for S60... can some1 pls help me... what should i do?:?:
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