IS there any efficient Dataone usagefinder without logging in portals

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Right off the assembly line
Guys i want to know that is anyone using any software which shows the exact usage as in usage portals. It must not login to portal for getting information.. it must work on the data uploaded/downloaded by the computer..and must be matching with the usage when seen in portal.
i am using one of the softwares but it didnt give the Exact usage.. it varies with the total usage in the portal of BSNL with time.:confused:


Right off the assembly line
Guys is anybody listening here.. i thought it is 1 of the active forums around.. but seems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Right off the assembly line
If you are using Firefox browser, you could use the DataFox extension to find out the usage.

Thnx for ur reply...
but it is not solution to my problem... i want to know that is their any upload/download measurement utility.. which keeps track of ur network upload/download.. the datafox is getting the details from the protal..
i want a software which is like netlimiter pro which i m using at this time but does not match the total details of the portal.... so is any other efficient software like this.....

Cool Buddy

Wise Old Owl
You can use DU meter (Paid) or Bit Meter (I'm not sure but might be free). However these are never completely reliable and will definitely report an error around 3-4%. so you will have to use the portal once in a while. You can try shaPlus dataone meter available at


Right off the assembly line
THNX to all of u guys for replying...

let me make my self clear here.. i know that portal is showing us the usage details at any time. but my question is that "ARE THEY MEASURING THE LOADS CORRECTLY" coz i smell rat in that... what is their measurement stratigy.. i feel that if i started a session which upload/downloaded less than a MB. and ended it at that moment.. they consider that session as 1MB and is added to total..
Is anybody experinced this situation..or have anybody tried it.. then plse share ur valuable reply..

I know they are providing us portal but r they providing a genuine and reliable results... This is why i want to use some different checker:confused:


Lets Do It!
I know they are providing us portal but r they providing a genuine and reliable results... This is why i want to use some different checker:confused:

But u are going to be billed for the statistics displayed on Dataone's Site.
And the site is authentic enough to be trusted.
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