From Outer


"All residents of Outer, all folks of Outer",the voice of the Restorer was lively.
"Arise to the occasion".

The occasion was the only occasion to recall about, I thought. I don't recall how long I've been here. Days , weeks, months or even years?

"Arise and shine", he continued "For the new entrants!" His eyes glistened as he uttered those words.
New entrants arrived often. And they all stayed.

It was like a never ending waterfall with new entrants arriving in a stream. They arrived and became like us residents. And then they stayed like us.

I glanced across. The many faces staring with their dull forlorn looks. They looked at the Restorer, their faces seemed to glow as the Restorer spoke . The place hadn't changed since I arrived, a time that I couldn't recall. Outer had no place for time. Or it was a place beyond time as they said.

My mind went blank as I stared across. The whole place, a purple hue with purple smoke that covered the vacant spaces. Outer was a strange place. The residents were fairly indistinct from one another. They were many though barely visible, what with the glow that seemed to permeate from their body through the spaces.

I searched in vain all this while, for a face, an identity that I knew. Yet the sheer amount of residents seemed to make this an enormous task. I communicated with them though most seemed as puzzled, as confused as me. Though they seemed happy to recollect their past stories and memories - the only thing to connect us all.

Connect us with Earth, planet Earth.

"Behold!", the Restorer's voice boomed again. The Restorer began the process of restoration.

We stared as the new being started forming. A new life, on a different planet.
Life after death had so many possibilities.


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member

Though I need some more context as to what's going on. From what I gather, some aliens have brought humans to earth to colonize.



Though I need some more context as to what's going on. From what I gather, some aliens have brought humans to earth to colonize.


The residents are people from Earth who all died. It is implicit in the last line. They, or rather their spirits have been restored on a new planet.


Ooh... is this afterlife?
Though the place where they have been restored is an altogether different realm.(not earth, neither heaven or hell. But a distant planet).

I was wondering whether I should expand this story further?