*** Science Or God? ***

Science or God?

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Game on
Feb 17, 2010
we are not invincible but we are definitely immortal..

what you call "god" has been found long ago by ancient scientists and each of us carry the "god particle" inside of us which makes us immortal ... western science will reach the same realization after a few thousand years..

Science or god both are the same things ... just like night and day/ hot and cold are the same thing

you can wait for a couple of thousand years with many births for the western science to confirm or you can be smart and check out for yourself in this lifetime ;)
You didn't mean the"god paritcle" or the higgs boson, in any way. Did you?


Apr 16, 2013
I hate these kind of explanations ie: Everything is already explained by religions/god etc but "western" science will need many years to agree/confirm that :\


Human Spambot
Nov 10, 2011
The so called no God only science discussing people, please tell me whether you believe in soul??


Apr 16, 2013
Don't these kinda articles keep claiming HiV/Cancer etc cure available every few weeks?


Sith Lord
Staff member
Oct 10, 2008
Donno about life after death, but there is new evidence of continued awareness after clinical death
Largest study on resuscitated patients hints at consciousness after death


Nov 23, 2010
in this post : some weenies will get roasted.

Specialized Burn Centers

we are not invincible but we are definitely immortal..
We arent immortal. When we die, POOF, game over. No afterlife, no heaven or hell. All these concepts exist because of ONE thing : man is afraid of death.

no I didn't mean that at all..

by god particle I meant to say - the immortal soul or consciousnesses , which exists in all living things ... from animals , to humans to higher deities.. that's why you still live after you die in this physical world ...
anybody interested in life after death can Google it more on the wealth of scientific research already done on this subject... with the amount of evidence pilling up it will most probably become a scientific fact in the next 50 years or so ... once mainstream scientists come up with theories ( there are already many with positive results ) and experiments to account for all the phenomenon like remote viewing, telepathy etc...
What is this immortal soul? What proof is there that we "live" after "death"?
There has been ZERO, yes, ZERO proper scientific studies that have even hinted at a "life beyond death".

Any other study that claims so without revealing full details, AND WITHOUT BEING REPEATABLE IS A HOAX.
Simple rule : if you cant replicate it, its false.

All these telepathy, remote viewing etc are all fringe sciences. There;s always the odd person who says he can do that. Can you list how many people HAVE telepathy?

I can list over 6 billion people who DONOT HAVE telepathy. So, same rule applies : if its not repeatable, its a hoax.

western science will need many years because it is still very very new when it comes to explaining things like consciousness and subjectivity , 50 years ago they didn't even think hypnosis was real ... what they excel in is material world .. our indian scientists were masters of subjectivity ..
Indian scientists were masters of subjectivity? How?

Subjectivity is the condition of being a subject: i.e., the quality of possessing perspectives, experiences, feelings, beliefs, desires, and/or power. Subjectivity is used as an explanation for what influences and informs people's judgments about truth or reality.
straight from wikipedia.

in short, subjectivity is EVERYTHING objectivity/real science is not. so, calling indian scientists subjective is actually insulting them. yeah, zero, calculation of earth;'s circumference, surgery etc were all subjective achievements? OH PLEASE. stop insulting those people. they worked hard and in an OBJECTIVE MANNER. they didnt say "rahu ketu and saturn are in the sky today, so the radius of earth is 50 km today"

indian science was advanced FOR ITS CONTEMPORARY PERIOD, and is as backward today as a bullock cart.
how many nobel prizes have we won? even norway has more nobels than us.

you know whats awesome about real science? it actually puts forward REAL PROOF, so you can try it out for yourself without relying on baba or maharishis or some other random cr@p.

and that is why subjectivity and objectivity both are important .. please do not bring religious bullcrap in the discussions if we are discussing from a scientific point of view .. although all the religions have some truth but most of it has been polluted , faked , manipulated by people and organisations in power.. things like heaven and hell/ swarg narak ( true to certain extent ) etc , satan were brought into religion to maintain good moral behaviour out of fear... skepticism is as necessary as faith to distinguish between whats truth and fake..
^ subjectivity is almost equal to religion. please take a moment and read up on the definitions, kty.

i said modern science as a community will take thousands of years to come to the same conclusion , it doesn't mean that you / me / or anybody cannot test or experiment out for ourself right now provided you actually are willing to put the effort..
ahahaa, lol, do you know how funny that sounds?
if you have something that can be PROVEN RIGHT NOW, AND IN A RIGID AND REPEATABLE WAY, then its an experiment, and you can make a scientific theory.

your statement proves 2 things :

1. you have ZERO idea how science/experiments/theory works
2. you have a hidden agenda which you want people to "put in effort"

as i said again, you common people have literally no idea what is right or wrong. you just blindly believe in any random stuff. and YES, it makes you a quack.

the science is called yoga .. you don''t need to have any kind of belief to test whether its real or not.. a lot of things have been demonstrated objectively already with scientific studies you can look it up .. things like stopping heart beat / brain wave ( which is called "death" in medical science ) activity for many days and still living and many more things... living without food and water without harming health 1 bit etc..
your last part is completely false.
you cannot remain completely healthy without food or water for more than 4 days.
your kidneys will start failing in 1 week and you'll be too weak to move (if given water) by the 10th day.

there have been countless studies on Esp, telepathy , remote viewing with statically positive results enough to shatter everything what the current science believes regarding the "workings of the strict Materialistic modern world"..

i like your quote
"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge
One must explore and explain but not advocate or condemn"
ok, so "western science" is "strict materialistic"? then what is psychology? psychiatry? philosophy? humanity sciences?
you, my friend, need EDUCATION, not this random bullcr@p from dodgy, suspicious baba-types.

Can a 5th class student understand the concepts of class 12 th ?
No unless he is trained to do so and his consciousness is sufficiently developed .. then how can one understand GOD which is like PHD degree :p without training oneself all the way from class 5th to class 12 to university degree ?
god isnt like a phd. its more like a nursery pass.

will you stop insulting the people who have worked hard so you could sit on your lazy chair and type this on your PC?

what have YOUR precious indian scientists done? NOTHING. thats right. they did NOTHING for us. do you know why we dont learn indian science? because its shitty and useless. there is literally no use or worth in indian science. these old scientists just sat around smoking chillums and leering at women all day. pathetic.

if you;re so proud of "indian" science, please tell us ONE thing they did thats worth knowing in today's world. no, yoga doesnt count, its just a way of relaxing, even the freaking CHINESE/JAPANESE had their own methods of doing that, so no, its not as special as you think.

what material scientists are doing is taking class 5th books written by every author and have mastered mostly every aspect of it .. while indian scientists have already reached the level of intelligence of PHD degrees :p and have developed proper schooling and training schedule to reach PHD degrees ..

who is the real authority then ?

wrong again. indian scientists are still playing in the mud while western science has put a man on the moon.

real authority is someone who can PROVE his ideas in a logical fashion, AND repeat it on demand. your indian science is not logical, nor is it repeatable, so its totally worthless. if you;re so awesome, why dont YOU show us what to do? or maybe it comes thru "inner peace" *snickers*

Specialized Burn Centers
Sep 24, 2014
[MENTION=102842]doomgiver[/MENTION] I think life after Death exist .... Bcoz we're matter and have energy ...
And energy cannot be created or destroyed but transformed to one form to another....


Nov 23, 2010
@doomgiver I think life after Death exist .... Bcoz we're matter and have energy ...
And energy cannot be created or destroyed but transformed to one form to another....

... and? i can argue that my farts are immortal. that doenst make it a valid statement. as soon as the fart escapes from my bum, it just becomes air. so what we have a soul, after death, its GONE, DEAD, FINISHED, BACK TO ENERGY. see? even if we had a soul, it;d not be worth anything.

you;re confusing religious soul with something else. conservation of energy is not related to that. stop mixing science with pseudobull$hit please.

ok, a VERY simple question : 100 years ago, earth's population was 1 billion, roughly.
today, its over 7 billion.


where was their "soul" uptil now?

Fast forward to 100 years into the future, humans control over 50 planets, each with over 3 billion people.... where did all these "souls" come from?

as for "re-incarnation", who decides what will be their next incarnation?

There is no such thing as a soul or incarnation. Its just a fiction made up by humans so they can safely ignore the fact that one day they'll die and nothing will remain of them.

If you keep believing in a soul, you;re just being a child who doesnt want to face the morbid reality that one day they may die and there wont be a single trace of them left in the universe other than a pile of decaying bones.

due to this, mankind has caused incomprehensible suffering onto his fellow man, trying to decide what kind of "afterlife" is best. heaven or jannat or 72 virgins? it'd be in the best interests of everyone involved that they STOP believing in this nonsense.

there;s no soul, there;s no heaven, and the best way to be "immortal" is to do amazing things so that everyone remembers you forever. think alexander, socrates, galileo, einstien etc.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Nov 7, 2011
[MENTION=102842]doomgiver[/MENTION],Indian scientists did some great things,from Aryabhatta to C.V.Raman(nobel prize winner),Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar(Chandrashekhar limit),Satyendra Nath Bose(Bose–Einstein condensate) & usb/plug & play creator Ajay Bhatt.It's just that modern indian education system simply can not accommodate geniuses.Given opportunity & conducive environment(like those in developed nations) Indians have proved their mettle.


Apr 16, 2013
Re: in this post : some weenies will get roasted.

Specialized Burn Centers

We arent immortal. When we die, POOF, game over. No afterlife, no heaven or hell. All these concepts exist because of ONE thing : man is afraid of death.

What is this immortal soul? What proof is there that we "live" after "death"?
There has been ZERO, yes, ZERO proper scientific studies that have even hinted at a "life beyond death".

Any other study that claims so without revealing full details, AND WITHOUT BEING REPEATABLE IS A HOAX.
Simple rule : if you cant replicate it, its false.

All these telepathy, remote viewing etc are all fringe sciences. There;s always the odd person who says he can do that. Can you list how many people HAVE telepathy?

I can list over 6 billion people who DONOT HAVE telepathy. So, same rule applies : if its not repeatable, its a hoax.

Indian scientists were masters of subjectivity? How?

Subjectivity is the condition of being a subject: i.e., the quality of possessing perspectives, experiences, feelings, beliefs, desires, and/or power. Subjectivity is used as an explanation for what influences and informs people's judgments about truth or reality.
straight from wikipedia.

in short, subjectivity is EVERYTHING objectivity/real science is not. so, calling indian scientists subjective is actually insulting them. yeah, zero, calculation of earth;'s circumference, surgery etc were all subjective achievements? OH PLEASE. stop insulting those people. they worked hard and in an OBJECTIVE MANNER. they didnt say "rahu ketu and saturn are in the sky today, so the radius of earth is 50 km today"

indian science was advanced FOR ITS CONTEMPORARY PERIOD, and is as backward today as a bullock cart.
how many nobel prizes have we won? even norway has more nobels than us.

you know whats awesome about real science? it actually puts forward REAL PROOF, so you can try it out for yourself without relying on baba or maharishis or some other random cr@p.

^ subjectivity is almost equal to religion. please take a moment and read up on the definitions, kty.

ahahaa, lol, do you know how funny that sounds?
if you have something that can be PROVEN RIGHT NOW, AND IN A RIGID AND REPEATABLE WAY, then its an experiment, and you can make a scientific theory.

your statement proves 2 things :

1. you have ZERO idea how science/experiments/theory works
2. you have a hidden agenda which you want people to "put in effort"

as i said again, you common people have literally no idea what is right or wrong. you just blindly believe in any random stuff. and YES, it makes you a quack.

your last part is completely false.
you cannot remain completely healthy without food or water for more than 4 days.
your kidneys will start failing in 1 week and you'll be too weak to move (if given water) by the 10th day.

ok, so "western science" is "strict materialistic"? then what is psychology? psychiatry? philosophy? humanity sciences?
you, my friend, need EDUCATION, not this random bullcr@p from dodgy, suspicious baba-types.

god isnt like a phd. its more like a nursery pass.

will you stop insulting the people who have worked hard so you could sit on your lazy chair and type this on your PC?

what have YOUR precious indian scientists done? NOTHING. thats right. they did NOTHING for us. do you know why we dont learn indian science? because its shitty and useless. there is literally no use or worth in indian science. these old scientists just sat around smoking chillums and leering at women all day. pathetic.

if you;re so proud of "indian" science, please tell us ONE thing they did thats worth knowing in today's world. no, yoga doesnt count, its just a way of relaxing, even the freaking CHINESE/JAPANESE had their own methods of doing that, so no, its not as special as you think.

wrong again. indian scientists are still playing in the mud while western science has put a man on the moon.

real authority is someone who can PROVE his ideas in a logical fashion, AND repeat it on demand. your indian science is not logical, nor is it repeatable, so its totally worthless. if you;re so awesome, why dont YOU show us what to do? or maybe it comes thru "inner peace" *snickers*

Specialized Burn Centers

Telepathy is real, you just read my mind :D


Nov 23, 2010
@doomgiver ,Indian scientists did some great things,from Aryabhatta to C.V.Raman(nobel prize winner),Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar(Chandrashekhar limit),Satyendra Nath Bose(Bose–Einstein condensate) & usb/plug & play creator Ajay Bhatt.It's just that modern indian education system simply can not accommodate geniuses.Given opportunity & conducive environment(like those in developed nations) Indians have proved their mettle.

sorry, i meant ANCIENT indian "scientists", in this case, i use the term scientists very loosely. ofc, everyone knows the immense contribution that modern indian scientists have given the world, the discussion was about modern science vs ancient one.

rishi thinks that these ancient guys were awesome and amazing... if they were so awesome and amazing then why arent WE ruling the world today?


Sith Lord
Staff member
Oct 10, 2008
^Agree with most of your posts, actually all of it. But having no interest to rule the world in the first place is something we are proud of, and part of our ethos.
And probably Ancient India's contribution to science was really more than our contribution in recent times

We invented Wootz steel, making suger crystals from sugercane, and that Iron Pillar that does not rust
Sushratha was there who invented cataract surgery and plastic surgery
then Aryabhatta, Brahmagupta were famous mathematicians. Ancient India already knew of Binary and Fibonacci sequence, and of course, Zero.

They were awesome and amazing, but it's not like they invented time travel or astral projection, it was all still cold, hard, science.


Nov 23, 2010
Re: in this post : some weenies will get roasted.

First - i am not here to prove anything , and i am not claiming anything :lol: .. this thread didn't even mentioned anything like it so i mentioned few things which i knew for discussion, there is a good amount of personal attack you did.. i'll simply ignore it ;) ..

did you read the above link provided by Anorion ? that was the largest case study done .. and people showed objective results they were able to see hear the events everything even though their eyes were closed and were heavily drugged totally unconscious , their heart beat stopped and there was no life in brain..
this is a great proof .. there are other objective proofs as well
oh no, you ARE here to prove something. you;re here to bash modern/western science because you mistakenly believe traditional indian science is better.

there's a huge difference between "being clinically dead for 3 minutes" and afterlife. its not even counted as similar things.
you say 3 minutes? PAH! a little 5 year old girl fell in an ice cold stream for 2+ hours and survived after being resuscitated.

people have literally "died", clinically and were "brought back to life". you see? science has done much more than faith or your ancient indian scientists ever could. anorion actually posted it to support the notion that modern science was superior.

even if 1 person genuinely can do it doesn't that invalidate everything science believes in ?
i dont even know how to properly respond..... what the ****? give me an example how it'll "invalidate everything science believes in"?

germans did their research .. Americans did their research for 20 years and told they found stastically positive results .. if everything was fake why did it took them 20 years and why did they award the highest honour medal to their main psychics ? since then FBI continues to use great psychics for their investigation till today , do you think fbi is stupid ? . Sony a private company did their research and told ESP was real .. please google it you will find appropriate links
do you think all of them are fake then why do they still continue to use then ? there are many other case studies as well .. its definitely repeatable thats why it is still being researched it hasn't stopped ..

ofcourse there is a whole industry of fakes robbing out money out of people beliefs out there...
you totally forget the point : science looks forward. it'll change its theories to match new evidence, or make new ones.

one day will come when we'll be so advanced that we'll be able to create life of our own and then THEY will start calling us gods and believing they have souls, while we'll laugh at them because none of us coded a soul into them at all.

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. - Arthur C. Clarke.

dont pin your hopes on having a "soul", or there being a god. whatever you do in this life is all that counts, so be good, do good onto others, so you may atleast live in our memories.


Sith Lord
Staff member
Oct 10, 2008
I think we are all Gods or at least our technology already makes us more powerful


Sith Lord
Staff member
Oct 10, 2008
In video form
same thing as text

Do you see in a way, how that is saying the most real state is the state of nothing? That’s what it’s all going to come to. With these physicists who think of the energy of the universe as running down dissipating into radiation, and gradually and gradually, and gradually, gradually, until there is nothing left.
And for some reason, we are suppose to find that depressing. But if somebody is going to argue that the basic reality is nothingness. Where does all this come from? Obviously from nothingness. Once again you get how this looks behind your eyes. So cheer up you see, this is what is meant in Buddhist philosophy by saying ‘we are all basically nothing.’
When the Six Patriarch says “the essence of your mind is intrinsically pure”. The pure doesn’t mean a ‘non dirty story state of mind’ as is it apt to mean in the word Puritan. Pure means “clear “ void. So you know the story when the Six Patriarch was given his office to his successor. Because he was truly enlightened. There was a Poetry contest. And the losing one wrote the idea that the mind, the consciousness was like a mirror.
So I’m detached, calm, and pure headed. Buddha-ed. But the one who won the contest said there is no mirror, and the nature of mind is intrinsically void. So where is there anywhere for dust to collect? See so in this way, by seeing that nothingness is the fundamental reality, and you see it’s your reality. Then how can anything contaminate you? All the idea of being scared, and it’s nothing it just a dream. Because you're really nothing. But this is most incredible nothing. All the Six Patriarch went on to contrast that emptiness of indifference. Which is sort of blind emptiness. See if you think of this idea of nothingness as blankness, and you hold onto this idea of blankness then kind of grizzly about it, you haven’t understood it. Nothingness is really like the nothingness of space, which contains the whole universe. All the sun and the stars and mountains, and rivers, and goodmen and bad men, and the animals, and insects, and the whole bit. All are contained in void. So out of this void comes everything and you it. What else could you be?
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