Guys I want to start a wedding video editing work so I need your help to build my computer.
It's going to be my first computer and I do't know much about this please help me.
1.What is the purpose of the computer?and what all applications and games are you going to run?
Ans-wedding video editing pic editing net surfing music movies.
2.What is your over all budget?if you can extend a bit for a more balanced configuration,then mention this too?
Ans-35k I can extend my budget to 1 or 2 k strictly. 3.Planning to overlock?
4.which operating system are you planning to use?
Ans-Window 7 or preffer a advice on it from you. much hard drive space is needed?
Ans-1tb you want to buy a monitor?if yes please mention which screen size and resolution do you want?
Ans-over 20 inch hd.
7.which components you don't want to buy or which components you already have and planning to reuse it?
Ans-I have nothing I have to buy everything.
8.have you ever built a desktop before or Will this be done by assembler?
Ans-by assembler.
9.when are you planning to buy the system?
Ans-as soon as final the configuration.
10.where do you live?are you buying locally?
Ans-patna will buy locally.
11.anything else you would like to say?
Ans-I want a latest processor from intel motherboard from assus a good cabinet apart from that also I want to know about software for video editing.