Road Sense? Sorry what's that?


Sith Lord
Staff member
idiots. poor bmw guy.
people go mad at night, everyone speeds recklessly, and nobody wants to take the next u-turn so they drive on the wrong side.
it's too horrbile, even when people are going on the wrong side or one way, they do so along any lane of the wrong side.


Whompy Whomperson
Have a look at the CCTV Footage.

Have a look at this too..

I agree with all points. I saw an advertisement of Delhi Traffic Police in newspaper few days ago, requesting people to move in lanes. My friends made fun of it. :banghead: They make fun of me for not going in wrong way or crossing for zebra crossing. All I can do is laugh at them and ignore. :banghead:


Human Spambot
At that BMW and Bike crash, wasn't the car going a little high speed? I am not saying, asking. Of course it's the stupid biker!


Whompy Whomperson
At that BMW and Bike crash, wasn't the car going a little high speed? I am not saying, asking. Of course it's the stupid biker!

Yes, around 80kmph.
Funnily witnesses say it was 150kmph or 180kmph. Story of all accidents. They have speedometers in their eyes. One of my friend had collided with an Activa coming from wrong side, just like this but he was under speed limit(around 30kph). Still, people said to police he was 100+ ! :shock:


Human Spambot
Oh, 80 is absolutely fine.
Didn't know people are that stupid, how can a vehicle go at 150 in that joint? Nonsense!


Whompy Whomperson
An interesting post.
Things You Can Do Only ON Indian Roads! - Page 14

This bus was attacked by goons in Mangolpuri after recent rape incident. Those people enjoyed throwing rocks and breaking property even when police had registered complaint. Complete idiots! This is not about road sense but general civic sense!



Whompy Whomperson




FIA - Michelin: 10 Golden Rules | Federation Internationale de l'Automobile


King of my own Castle
And another very very wierd about seat belts in Maharashtra.

If you are from bigger city like Mumbai both the driver and front co passenger are required to wear seat belt. However Step to a smaller city like pune and the seatbelts are only compulsory for driver not co passenger.(what logic I have no idea) And head for even smaller city like nagpur seatbelts are no required at all.
Why this insane grading as per cities :banghead:
But what Pune have is totally beyond realms of logic. Either have or don't keep seatbelt. What's with inbetween rules. ..


rules shmules
i don't understand why we NEED a rule like that? shouldn't it be a common sense?
helmet will save your head, seat belt will save your head, neck... ultimately its about one's self.
i see IT professionals, obviously educated (tech park near my house :p) riding on their honda cbr 250 BUT with the helmet in their elbow.

Most of the bikers are just kanjoos, the pillion, usually the wife is not given any helmet :lol: nor the child who sits on the tank, or the child who is crushed between the parents or the eldest child who sits on the carrier at the back. :lol:


rules shmules
i don't understand why we NEED a rule like that? shouldn't it be a common sense?
helmet will save your head, seat belt will save your head, neck... ultimately its about one's self.
i see IT professionals, obviously educated (tech park near my house :p) riding on their honda cbr 250 BUT with the helmet in their elbow.

Most of the bikers are just kanjoos, the pillion, usually the wife is not given any helmet :lol: nor the child who sits on the tank, or the child who is crushed between the parents or the eldest child who sits on the carrier at the back. :lol:

Common sense ??? Do you think we Indians have that ??

First of all, normal two wheeler in india are made for two people. Rider + Pillion Rider. But most of times you will surely find the third person either in between Rider & pillion rider or sitting above the Gas Tank. Let it be a Kid or New Born Baby. You are not supposed to ride the bike with them. What if, the baby slips out of the Pillion riders hand ?? What if, the Kid feels sleepy & falls down ?? What if the Kid hits the front brake or accelerates or turn off the ignition, while you are cruising ???

This itself state, how much common sense we have.

I have even witness bikes with Rider + Pillion + Kid & Rider will be using Mobile with one hand while riding or stuck at Traffic. I mean you are taking a huge RISK !..

Looks like we Yindians belong to Circus & on road we are known to create Chaos.


Whompy Whomperson
Completely agree with you!
wheeler in india are made for two people. Rider + Pillion Rider. But most of times you will surely find the third person either in between Rider & pillion rider or sitting above the Gas Tank. Let it be a Kid or New Born Baby. You are not supposed to ride the bike with them. What if, the baby slips out of the Pillion riders hand ?? What if, the Kid feels sleepy & falls down ??

Nothing much, they will blame the (unlucky) driver behind them, and if it is a truck or bus, they will burn it down. Problem solved.

we are known to create Chaos.

And then blame it on others.


Whompy Whomperson

Who needs a number plate when you can have a visiting card?


Whompy Whomperson
No. Even diplomat vehicles('CC') have to follow the specified plate and font size and style. And nothing except the registration number can be on the number plate. I remember Mr. Satyendra Garg had fined a very similar vehicle around 2 years ago. The only difference was he had "PRESIDENT" written instead of "General Secretary"(above image).


King of my own Castle
Hows this for number plate



Hows this for number plate


Don't you think that's quite big enough for just being a Number plate. I feel it should be a Advertisement Hood or Display.


The Dark Lord
Staff member
Good initiative. Sometimes I also wonder about driving licences, and how people get them without knowing basic rules, and safety tips.

Just the other day I was in traffic, near lilavati hospital in bandra mumbai, and this idiot in an SUV, a driver, stuck his car into my rear bumper. The result? I moved forward and half my bumper came off. I was in a regular traffic jam, bumper to bumper, so just inching forward like everyone else. This fool was trying to squeeze the person behind me out of the way and came a little too close to my car - his driver side touching my passenger side rear bumper. I went ahead so as not to block traffic and parked where I got space.

There was a woman in the back seat of the car, obviously rich, on her phone, oblivious to everything. The driver tried to run away, of course, but I blocked him by walking into traffic, he stopped, and since there was a lady in the car, I was polite, and said how are you driving like this, in Hindi to the driver. He starts abusing, and says why cant you look and drive, why did you cut me off?

Obviously I was amazed. I had no clue that cars can apparently turn their back wheels only and move towards another car that's behind them. I decided that this idiot driver just wouldn't understand. So I tried to speak to the lady, I called her Ma'am, was super polite, and basically said, surely you know it's your driver's fault, as the front of your car has caused damage to my rear bumper. However she was on the phone, and refused to get off the phone, and just looked confused.

The driver kept on with his ridiculous accusations that I had turned into his car somehow when all I did was move forward 2 feet when the car ahead of me moved, and in an absolute straight line. Since we were blocking traffic, I asked the lady, can you please make him go ahead and stop, it's not money I'm interested in, it's correcting your driver and making him understand that the car at the back is always to blame for such accidents. She told him park ahead, I got out of the way, the driver promptly drove away at high speed, and the woman said nothing to him. She didn't even look back. This is the problem with India. No one gives a hoot for whats right and wrong, to save 10 minutes we put everyone else at risk, and if you're polite, you're considered a weakling.

I am sure if I had got out of the car yelling maa behen ki gaalis, threatening murder, blocked the traffic, kept on blocking his car, waited an hour for the cops, and maybe taken my tyre iron and beat him over the head with it, I'd be heard, got money out of the woman, gone home feeling righteous, or gone to jail for murder. However, sometimes it really feels like the idiots just don't understand unless threatened with bodily harm. And what about the woman in the car? She encouraged lawless behaviour, allowed her driver to get away with acting like an ass despite being wrong, helped him break the law... She is as equally to blame for the lawlessness in this country, the lack of fear of getting caught. And all this despite me saying, forget the money, just correct your driver? I have no hope for India. Also I should add, my 8 month pregnant wife was in the car with me, and the woman saw her when we got out, and still didn't correct her driver when he was abusing.

This is the reason traffic is always so bad, driving is a nightmare, and idiots like this start believing they're invincible. Next step petty crime, then serious crime, and then rape and murder. Not that she'll ever read this, but congratulations lady, you just contributed to making one more person in country a criminal!
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