LinuxLive USB Creator


Ambassador of Buzz
Now I have uninstalled LinuxLive USB Creator 2.8.19 . After that I have facing problem !!



when ever I insert any DVD or CD , it displayed LinuxLive Key . please suggest me how to remove this one ???

:confused: :shock:


Wise Old Owl
Check for viruses & the likes from a scan of a top antivirus. If you have good speed unlimited internet then Update windows to the latest.


Broken In
Try cleaning the registry of your PC.
I would recommend you to use software like "Revo Uninstaller Pro" to uninstall any software from henceforth. It completely removes the software (removes registry values,remaining files after uninstallation,etc).


Ambassador of Buzz
Yes it should. :)

it not worked . but when manually delete my registry entry of Linux live ,my problem solved . but I have one problem faced . when insert CD or DVD in my Drive . there is no icon displayed , that inside the CD or DVD , it is just blank .