class 12 pt


good advicer
help me frnds ....on 25th my pt exam....had never given any pt exams...what to read and from which book?


Being Human
help me frnds ....on 25th my pt exam....had never given any pt exams...what to read and from which book?

Are you talking about physical education if yes don't worry about that it will be very easy.
when i gave physical edu. exam it was very easy and out of hundred i got 85 thats it...:)


good advicer
Are you talking about physical education if yes don't worry about that it will be very easy.
when i gave physical edu. exam it was very easy and out of hundred i got 85 thats it...:)

i know its easy..plz tell me which book to buy and sylabus


you have got to be kidding meh.. WTF were you doing the entire year ?
Even if it's Physical Education, you should have prepared for it before the exams hit...
Atleast buy the book man
Check the NCERT website for syllabus


Being Human
i know its easy..plz tell me which book to buy and sylabus

WTH were you doing the entire year it's 21st and you are having your exam on 25th and you are asking syllabus and books WTF.
NCERT books will be more than enough to get passing marks.


Broken In
Sorry to say but it is bad habit to prepare for exams at the last days.
Btw you can concern with NCERT books , enough for you.


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buy ncert book for PE & start is question paper of 2011:
CBSE 12th PHYSICAL EDUCATION 2011 - MyCollegeBag