Getting alert C: space is less and need to remove data


Hi Friends,

Recently I find that I'm constantly getting this message
C: space is less and need to remove files
I don't recollect installing anything newly recently nor have I copied any thing into C: but still I get this message. I have tried removing temp files etc but still get this message.

Operating System:Windows XP SP3

Can someone help?
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The Power of x480
Staff member
A few days back I had made a comprehensive post about the many ways you can reclaim space from C: drive.
Original post is here: *

But, I have saved you the trouble, and quoted it for you:

Since for XP, 20 GB partition is usually ok, you can follow these ways to reclaim space from your OS drive (C: drive):

1. Move files from Desktop to some other drive.
2. Move your My Documents folder to a different drive, by right clicking My Documents and specifying a folder on other drive as target foler.
3. Install CCleaner. Do a thorough cleaning.
4. Delete old restore points, as mentioned above.
5. Move pagefile.sys file from C: drive to some other drive by turning Virtual memory from C off, and set it to other drive.
6. Use Space Sniffer tool to detect if there are any unused big file or folder present on the drive and move it.
7. After all above steps have been performed you should get GB's of free space, but if you still want to get more space, just empty D drive, and merge it with C. (Ask if you need help in merging drives, or use Google!)

Happy Clearning!


Use Ccleaner and delete junk. A few old system restore points if needed.
Tried CCleaner already. Not sure about the system restore points need to check it out.
You can also reduce pagefile size or move it elsewhere.
I think need to google on this.
A few days back I had made a comprehensive post about the many ways you can reclaim space from C: drive.
Original post is here: *

But, I have saved you the trouble, and quoted it for you:
Thanks Vyom appreciate your help!
Will try these out.

I think I need to once again check how to set the Virtual memory thing I forgot about it.


The Power of x480
Staff member
I think I need to once again check how to set the Virtual memory thing I forgot about it.

Right click (My Computer) -> System Properties -> Advanced Tab -> Performance Settings -> Advanced tab again -> Change button .... Now click System managed size for D, and No paging file for C. Make sure you press the Set button, or else the changes won't be reflected.


@zangetsu. Sorry I was busy yesterday so didn't get time to get into more details or work on the suggestions given by others. I think total space is 20 GB and free space is not more than 100 MB most of the times.


Retired Forum Mod
@zangetsu. Sorry I was busy yesterday so didn't get time to get into more details or work on the suggestions given by others. I think total space is 20 GB and free space is not more than 100 MB most of the times.

20Gb is less. add more space. increase it to 30Gb.

remove hibernating file, system restore, windows update backup. use Tuneup Utilities. you'll get around 1-5Gb free depending how much backup was there.


Mine is 16GB.Period.:p
I devote 30min. Daily to Clean it up to secure 600+mb.:lol:
I know it sounds crazy but its more of a habit than a problem now.:wink:


Retired Forum Mod
hibernating file can be deleted by just turning off hibernation in settings.
for windows restore, CCleaner have built in settings.
not sure how to delete windows backup.

but run TuneUp utilities trial at least once. it'll free a major chunk of data.