need database driven dynamic charts to be made


Broken In

i need to prepare some dynamic database connected graph. Now thing is i just started learning php and not still comfortable using advance programming logic. Can someone help me with some chart tools which i can connect to my database data and create charts. Thanks


Aspiring Novelist

i need to prepare some dynamic database connected graph. Now thing is i just started learning php and not still comfortable using advance programming logic. Can someone help me with some chart tools which i can connect to my database data and create charts. Thanks

To vague to answer:

1. What is the DB in.
2. Row depth.
3. What type of graphs.
4. Update frequency of DB.
5. Security constraints.
6. Deployment method you have in mind.


Broken In
the graphs will be part of internal interface that i am developing for our business team. Now i am not a programmer but am learning php and coding as i learn for. Queries are gonna be complex for the output but thats not a problem for me. Am using xampp and my company database is on postgres. For local dump of some data am using mysql