Why not in India?


Uhu, Not Gonna Happen!
@vamsi_krishna: completely agree mate :)

China has a population problem too. It has low and middle classes just like us, and not everyone is a white collar worker there. So what makes them tick so well when it comes to things like these - civilian technologies and engineering, manufacturing?

China is a communist country. People there do not enjoy freedom as we do. If you produce more than one children in China, you are fined. They still have barbaric laws in which they give death sentences to people involved in corruption, punishment is fine, but do these people really deserve death sentence? They curb freedom of speech everywhere. Even the search results and internet content is heavily filtered/moderated!

"Most" of the people in China do not have the power to innovate or think independently because of years of communist rule which has changed their mindset. They all need to be told what needs to be done. School children are made to take oath supporting communism.

If you think there are really intelligent people in China, I disagree. IMO It is a giant factory which keep churning out cheap goods which is the main reason of their progress.

Just for the sake of controlling corruption and have polished railway stations we cannot lose our freedom. There are different ways to bring the change initiated by a change in ourselves.


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
communism FTW

communism is the only solution if WE the people dont understand the importance of our rights and duties

North Korea is communist, South Korea isn't just saying.
China has a population problem too. It has low and middle classes just like us, and not everyone is a white collar worker there. So what makes them tick so well when it comes to things like these - civilian technologies and engineering, manufacturing?

Regarding China they have great infrastructure in big cities just to show the world. It isn't that much all round developed as those big cities seem to show it. Do we really know how well they are managed outside of the big cities?
And Population Density in China is much lower than India's.

The Conqueror

Elevating Humanity
@ Liverpool Fan : Actually I was being sarcastic. I think you must have noticed that.

Well anyways, This is a problem of Democracy.


Broken In
China is a communist country. People there do not enjoy freedom as we do. If you produce more than one children in China, you are fined. They still have barbaric laws in which they give death sentences to people involved in corruption, punishment is fine, but do these people really deserve death sentence? They curb freedom of speech everywhere. Even the search results and internet content is heavily filtered/moderated!

And yet the government is furiously focused on improving the quality of civilian life and making it a world class country that rivals the west in every way. You make it sound like the Chinese are prisoners who are ritually tortured every day. So, with all our freedom and expertise, do we have a city like Beijing or Shanghai or Shenzhen yet? What went wrong with the whole freedom approach? Everyone started spitting, pissing and shi.tting all over? I have been working with Chinese and S. Korean folks for some 8 years now, and things aren't really as bad as they are reputed to be. And why is the one child restriction viewed so negatively? when population control is their main concern? Did you also know that in China you can have a second child if the first has birth defects or medical problems, without a fine being levied? Very weak arguments in my opinion. In fact the one child policy is something which India needs just as badly as well. All of you speak of an overcrowded country with resource problems, and then frown at China's one child policy. Ironic.

"Most" of the people in China do not have the power to innovate or think independently because of years of communist rule which has changed their mindset. They all need to be told what needs to be done. School children are made to take oath supporting communism.

Does that explain their "home built" Maglev system, constructed without the help of a single foreign entity? What about their weapons and ICBMS? The DF-4's and gang - purely indigenous too. Even their JL fighters!

What about the TSMC wafers being done in Taiwan? Taiwan? Out of all places? I'm surprised it couldn't be done in Haryana! Why? Because our government cannot guarantee continuous power! Hooray!

I'm also shocked that Apple, and many other fortune 500 companies have their "low quality" manufacturing done in China, and not some place in India. What an anomaly!

What about us? Our weapons and Russia, rings a bell? Our jets? All imported technology. And why is our government busy gathering quotes from the US and Japan for the prospect Maglev system from Delhi to Mumbai? What happened? Our stunning innovators and democracy bred population is enjoying the IPL? C'mon, what is it (technologically and intellectually speaking) that prevents us from doing an indigenous Maglev, Jets, Weapons et al? Why do we always need foreign involvement at some level?

If you think there are really intelligent people in China, I disagree. IMO It is a giant factory which keep churning out cheap goods which is the main reason of their progress.

Really? They've beaten us hollow at the Maths Olympiads: International Mathematical Olympiad I know what you are going to say: "We Indians couldn
't care a hoot about IMO, it doesn't prove anything". I know, right.

They've torn the charts apart at TopCoder (see for yourself): You'll probably say: "We Indians couldn't care about that, doesn't prove anything". So true.

They're regularly the best answerers at Math Overflow, to some of the most insane problems I've encountered (Ring Theory, Abstract Algebra and the likes). Chances are 5 of the hottest questions at Math Overflow have been answered by a Chinese right now, as I type this.

The world's rubiks cube champion and some of the fastest solvers (normal and blindfolded) have been from China until recently. (Now Australian).

I could go on, but hopefully I've proved you wrong. Chinese not intelligent? What exactly do you form these opinions out of? Deluded nationalism?

Just for the sake of controlling corruption and have polished railway stations we cannot lose our freedom. There are different ways to bring the change initiated by a change in ourselves.

The issue is not with freedom. Don't be deluded into thinking that our freedom has done any good of considerable commendation. I don't support communism alright, but at the same time, this freedom thing people blabber about: It's allowed this country to turn into a toxic dump from shi.t from various regional ethnicities.

And technological advancement and innovation does not always come at the expense of freedom, although the government sometimes needs to adopt an iron hand approach and increase prices to improve civilian life.

I have worked hard to raise my standard of living to the top tier population of this country, and I have the right to demand the same quality of life that I lived in South Korea, Finland and elsewhere. But my government caters to the majority, which is the poor, and that's an indirect way of telling me that I'm not entitled to a better quality of life, even though I'm financially entitled to it.

So it's a take it of leave it situation. I wonder how nationalistically wrong it would be if I settled elsewhere permanently because I'm not on my own government's priority list?
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God of Mistakes...
I would recommend reading Nandan M. Nilekani's book - "Imagining India" which talks about why India has become what it is today.

I really wish I could give reputations to each of you for expressing your thoughts. Very nice to read.


Staff member
China has a population problem too. It has low and middle classes just like us, and not everyone is a white collar worker there. So what makes them tick so well when it comes to things like these - civilian technologies and engineering, manufacturing?

I guess Slugger can better answer this question of yours.


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
. And why is the one child restriction viewed so negatively? when population control is their main concern? Did you also know that in China you can have a second child if the first has birth defects or medical problems, without a fine being levied? Very weak arguments in my opinion. In fact the one child policy is something which India needs just as badly as well. All of you speak of an overcrowded country with resource problems, and then frown at China's one child policy. Ironic.
Their skewed up sex ratio suggests otherwise. Indians are far worse in being selective to sons and you should realise the implications of one child policy here.

The issue is not with freedom. Don't be deluded into thinking that our freedom has done any good of considerable commendation. I don't support communism alright, but at the same time, this freedom thing people blabber about: It's allowed this country to turn into a toxic dump from shi.t from various regional ethnicities.
Actually the lack of freedom in terms of social, and religious restrictions and their political game is one of the major issues here. We may be a Democratic country, but people here are not exactly free, with various social issues. Secondly the majority of the population cannot exploit their freedom here, and in fact get exploited by the very same freedom they have. Our freedom is a myth.

I agree most with rest of your post though.


Staff member
So it's a take it of leave it situation. I wonder how nationalistically wrong it would be if I settled elsewhere permanently because I'm not on my own government's priority list?

No one is holding you here. Do what you think is good for you.


Uhu, Not Gonna Happen!
@RChandan: IMO results matter to me. If it shows that Chinese students are toppers there then it is good but I will still abide by what I have said. I have not been to the schools there but I have seen videos and read articles about it. They feed not love for their country but they make them believe that communism is the only way to live.

I am not a nationalist but I love my country, there's a difference.

About the weapons, although I could find only one link at this moment (got no idea about Maglev though so I take your word for now).
China's Guochanhua (Reverse Engineering)
But there are many sources which state that Chinese armory is full with reverse engineered weapons. I hope you are aware that this is not an end but the list goes on.

I have seen enough documentaries on the state of "workers" who live in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzen. It is pathetic and not much different than people living in slums in our cities.

I am not ready to embrace such advancement at the cost of my freedom.

Edit: And yeah, I have 7 years of work experience in which I am dealing with people from China, Philippines, South America and few other places. All these are employees of a big multinational but still when it comes to Chinese they always need to be told what needs to be done. I have, although, experienced that once they are "told" to do some task they would do it with perfection.
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If we were under Hitler or British you could have seen this in India but then you would have lost your freedom!

If we were still under British control only the whites would have the previlage to enjoy these comforts while still us indians are treated as slaves and called as barbaric people with a barbaric culture.....remember the westerners are the ones brought Indian people to these uneducated poor condition in the attempt the wipe out our culture and bring Christianity to our country.


Super Moderator
Staff member
If we were still under British control only the whites would have the previlage to enjoy these comforts while still us indians are treated as slaves and called as barbaric people with a barbaric culture.....remember the westerners are the ones brought Indian people to these uneducated poor condition in the attempt the wipe out our culture and bring Christianity to our country.
No idea from where "Christianity" came into discussion. Time to drink water. meh.


^^dude, give him a break. He was just being sarcastic, not serious :)

just want to state my point on how indians became like this....no use in blaming political system or mentality of the people.there far more to be done to improve our condition in this country.

No idea from where "Christianity" came into discussion. Time to drink water. meh.

maybe you should learn some history?


Super Moderator
Staff member
Coming back to what you posted, as far as Britishers ruling us is concerned, it was again down to our mentality and our false acceptance of them being superior.


Coming back to what you posted, as far as Britishers ruling us is concerned, it was again down to our mentality and our false acceptance of them being superior.

They forced that mentality on us and new generation of indians grew up with these idea without knowing where these ideas came from...
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