Voltage problem :-(

I live in a society where everyone has their 4k/5k stabilizer. So here power fluctuates a lot (like suddenly it goes >90 and suddenly rises to 250/270v, which is very dangerous.
i use my pc for gaming and internet purpose only and i want a stable power source for my CPU and don't want any hardware failure in near future.
Can a LINE INTERACTIVE UPS resolve my problem??? Plz help.


Ambassador of Buzz
Online UPS is best, but expensive. LI UPS is also better than normal offline ups. Most LI UPS have a working voltage of 140-270V where it will adjust the output voltage using a built-in stabilizer. The UPS will switch to battery mode when voltage is beyond this limit.


Sony " VA" "IO"
numeric ups can run on mains by lowering even 290-300v mains in to steady 240v.
I have a numeric 600va Ex-C digital ups(Rs.2k) which runs 24x7 on rash conditions to power a cctv dvr and cameras.
every night the voltage rises to max 300v in our area.
in apc some models do not have this feature.
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