User name and passwords not matching in Linux!!

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In the zone
Can some body help me..i am using nine distros and Windows XP (if you already know this ignore the rant) Now there is a problem.. Linux Mint is not admitting me as my username and password not matched even they are correct password..In Sam Linux when I logged with my Username and password it seem it logging it but again returned to the logging window with out telling that my username and password is not matching.. what is the problem..( although I use Linux for three years but I never attempt to learn the command lines, as I don,t has problems with modern days Linux,except fedora,)

with regards,


left this forum longback
you can reset the passwd via grub to boot as root.but here,ur sure? that username and passwd are correct.
check for some file like /etc/.pwd.lock(or similar hidden file) delete that file using any other distro.then try login again.

edit:u may run pwck to correct any errors in authentication system.
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In the zone
praka123 said:
you can reset the passwd via grub to boot as root.but here,ur sure? that username and passwd are correct.
check for some file like /etc/.pwd.lock(or similar hidden file) delete that file using any other distro.then try login again.

edit:u may run pwck to correct any errors in authentication system.

I am using same password for all the distro as user, and another same password as root in other distros where root login allowed.
But in the case, Linux mint root login couldnot done as there is no root password..

But in sam linux I log in as root, create new user name in terminal and give new password instead of confirming with another query, simply said, that password doesn't match.???

usually I mount other Distros and windows XP partitions and copy the files from there to the new installed Distro ( particularly music and word files) ..As I am not using UPS and frequent powercut inthis side may have damaged some files ..

In Simply mephis I faced the same problem.. but it is different my user name and password has been accepted but instead of usual KDE some empty frame come in to screen.. So I reasoned out that Beryl is causing the damage.. or my updating Nvidia drivers may caused these problem.. I solved this problem by restarting the xserver then chose the kde without 3D then it is business as usual..
Anyway I'll try your suggestion..

with regards,


left this forum longback
May be I over-looked,may be user-passwd authentification works fine,but some kde problems may be :?:
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