upgrade help needed!!

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Broken In
I am thinking of upgrading my computer since i am off to college

my present config is

Intel 850 MV (mobo)
1.6 Ghz (processor)
512 MB DDR 400 Mhz
3 cd drives on IDE channels
80 GB HDD and
pinnacle Tv tuner
Nvidia Geforce 2 Mx

i wanted to upgrade to AMD 64 and since i have had no visits to the market i am quite unaware of the proces and Spec. currently circulating so help !

i wish to uupgrade to AMD 64 3000+ so please tell me a good mobo the price for both these things also i wish to know if these are available only in PCIE architectures ,if yes then gr8 and if no then tell me if PCIE is backward compatible i do know that i have to do away with my AGP which i was planning to do in any case so tell me a good gfx card too and also a really cheap 1 and hw much does an PCI-AGP converter cost since i recently bought a new TFT and i plan to have both my monitors so .........
and also if i will have to upgrade or buy any new converters for my optical drives (1 CDRW 1 DVD and 1 DVDRW) incase the mobo has only SATA connections
and how much will 1 GB of ram which goes into this mobo will cost me thanks a lot and i would really preffer if some 1 from delhi could quote the nehru place prices since i live in noida and if there is a cheaper market in noida lemme know :p
and also i would need an LAN card so if its onboard no problem if not then suggest a good alternative ( i mean i know brands hardly make a diff in this field at the level i am goin to use it but i'd still like to know )
thanks a Ton!!
and suggest a cabinet too and does AMD still hav those cooling problems coz that was the only reasn cuz of which i bought an intel bt i had overheating probs with it too bt tht was probably because i stuffed too much stuff in a very small cabinet


In the zone
PCIE is not backward compatable. Mine is a MSI RS480, it has no over clocking stuff but you can increase the FSB 10% to 220. But I actually run it @ 1000MHZ @ 1.1V using RMClock so it stays cooler and takes 1/2 the power. I have it on 24x7 so it like idles when not in use. The ATI chip set is faster than NF3 and close to NF4 speeds. There are a couple of boards with AGP and PCIE-1X none with PCIE-16x and AGP. Getting good dual channel ram also is imperative. You get another 10-20% extra bandwidth. My RS480/3000+ would be twice as fast as your 1.6 P4. AMD has built in cooling which is what I am using, It runs around 55-60C full speed and drops to 40-45 at idle. Most MB's now has both SATA/PATA interfaces cost 5000-10000 depending if its ATI, NF3, NF4, SLI/DLI etc. Lan would be built in. ATI also has built in graphics running doom at 15fps in the lowest mode :) you can almost see everything go by and works great with my slow brain and bad eyes.

P4EE 3733 MHz MSI P4N Diamond nForce4-SLI-Intel Dual DDR2-667 7630 MB/s
P4EE 3733 MHz Dell Dimension XPS i925XE Dual DDR2-533 6920 MB/s
Pentium EE 840 3200 MHz Intel D955XBK i955X Dual DDR2-667 6100 MB/s
Athlon64 3500+ 2200 MHz MSI K8N Neo2 Platinum nForce3-Ultra Dual PC3200 DDR 6030 MB/s
P4 540 3200 MHz Abit IC7-MAX3 i875P Dual PC3200 DDR 5780 MB/s
P4 560 3600 MHz Intel D925XCV i925X Dual DDR2-533 5570 MB/s
P4 560 3600 MHz Foxconn 915A01-P i915P Dual DDR2-533 5420 MB/s
Athlon64FX-51 2200 MHz Asus SK8N nForce3Pro-150 Dual PC3200R DDR 5400 MB/s
P4 520 2800 MHz Soltek SL-PT880E-RL PT880 Dual PC3200 DDR 5370 MB/s
P4 3000 MHz Intel D875PBZ i875P Dual PC3200 DDR 4880 MB/s
Athlon64 1800 MHz MSI RS480M2 (MS-7093) RS480 Dual PC3200 DDR 4623 MB/s
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