Broken In
I am thinking of upgrading my computer since i am off to college
my present config is
Intel 850 MV (mobo)
1.6 Ghz (processor)
512 MB DDR 400 Mhz
3 cd drives on IDE channels
80 GB HDD and
pinnacle Tv tuner
Nvidia Geforce 2 Mx
i wanted to upgrade to AMD 64 and since i have had no visits to the market i am quite unaware of the proces and Spec. currently circulating so help !
i wish to uupgrade to AMD 64 3000+ so please tell me a good mobo the price for both these things also i wish to know if these are available only in PCIE architectures ,if yes then gr8 and if no then tell me if PCIE is backward compatible i do know that i have to do away with my AGP which i was planning to do in any case so tell me a good gfx card too and also a really cheap 1 and hw much does an PCI-AGP converter cost since i recently bought a new TFT and i plan to have both my monitors so .........
and also if i will have to upgrade or buy any new converters for my optical drives (1 CDRW 1 DVD and 1 DVDRW) incase the mobo has only SATA connections
and how much will 1 GB of ram which goes into this mobo will cost me thanks a lot and i would really preffer if some 1 from delhi could quote the nehru place prices since i live in noida and if there is a cheaper market in noida lemme know
and also i would need an LAN card so if its onboard no problem if not then suggest a good alternative ( i mean i know brands hardly make a diff in this field at the level i am goin to use it but i'd still like to know )
thanks a Ton!!
and suggest a cabinet too and does AMD still hav those cooling problems coz that was the only reasn cuz of which i bought an intel bt i had overheating probs with it too bt tht was probably because i stuffed too much stuff in a very small cabinet
my present config is
Intel 850 MV (mobo)
1.6 Ghz (processor)
512 MB DDR 400 Mhz
3 cd drives on IDE channels
80 GB HDD and
pinnacle Tv tuner
Nvidia Geforce 2 Mx
i wanted to upgrade to AMD 64 and since i have had no visits to the market i am quite unaware of the proces and Spec. currently circulating so help !
i wish to uupgrade to AMD 64 3000+ so please tell me a good mobo the price for both these things also i wish to know if these are available only in PCIE architectures ,if yes then gr8 and if no then tell me if PCIE is backward compatible i do know that i have to do away with my AGP which i was planning to do in any case so tell me a good gfx card too and also a really cheap 1 and hw much does an PCI-AGP converter cost since i recently bought a new TFT and i plan to have both my monitors so .........
and also if i will have to upgrade or buy any new converters for my optical drives (1 CDRW 1 DVD and 1 DVDRW) incase the mobo has only SATA connections
and how much will 1 GB of ram which goes into this mobo will cost me thanks a lot and i would really preffer if some 1 from delhi could quote the nehru place prices since i live in noida and if there is a cheaper market in noida lemme know
and also i would need an LAN card so if its onboard no problem if not then suggest a good alternative ( i mean i know brands hardly make a diff in this field at the level i am goin to use it but i'd still like to know )
thanks a Ton!!
and suggest a cabinet too and does AMD still hav those cooling problems coz that was the only reasn cuz of which i bought an intel bt i had overheating probs with it too bt tht was probably because i stuffed too much stuff in a very small cabinet