some views about God,atheists & religious extremists


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Why unimaginability of God is not stressed earlier

The real and absolute nature of God is unimaginable. The previous preachers know this point very well since they performed several miracles, which were unimaginable events only. The miracles stand as practical proof for the existence of unimaginable entity that performs the unimaginable events. When the preachers were performing so many miracles, can’t they know the existence of unimaginable item?. It is very simple and no effort is necessary for the performer of the miracles to understand the existence of unimaginable entity and to propagate the same concept. In such case, why the preachers did not say that God is unimaginable?

There may be difficulty to believe this concept by looking at others performing the miracles. But there should be no trace of difficulty of the performer himself to understand this concept, which is demonstrated by himself. Even demons performed miracles, but they were unable to grasp the concept due to their devilish nature of ignorance. Thus, demons can be excused but not the intellectual preachers in revealing this concept. There must be some strong reason for the preachers in not revealing this concept inspite of the demonstration by themselves. Such strong reason is that the intellectual level of ancient people was simply constituted by the conclusions of theoretical logic exercised through debates and discussions only. There was no experimental phase to arrive at steady conclusions. Today, lot of practical evidence is required to contradict any concept. In the ancient times mere sharp logic was sufficient to contradict the concept.

There was no steadiness in the establishment of the concept and the fate of the concept was depending on simply the intellectual sharpness of anybody. In such time, if God was declared as unimaginable, the immediate danger was the possibility of non-existence of the unimaginable items. In such case, the very basic existence of God becomes critical to be believed. In fact, before the arrival of Shankara the fast logic of intelligence ended in the final conclusion that everything is unreal including God. The theory of relativity was applied to every item of the creation with high speed. At any step, the cause is real and the product is unreal since the reality of the product is based on the reality of the cause. But the cause itself is the product of another cause.

This analysis went on ad-infinitum and the final conclusion was that everything is unreal (Shunyavada of Buddhists). In such situation, if you say that the ultimate cause is unimaginable, people would just laugh at it by saying that the unimaginable ultimate cause must be disposed more conveniently as unreal. The word ‘unimaginable’ indirectly means negation of a logical answer. With this fear, Shankara proposed God as pure awareness having no attributes (Nirguna). Later on Ramanuja and Madhva also proposed God as awareness with attributes as qualified (Saguna). This difference is immaterial because the basically real unimaginable God was not projected. Only mediated God was presented, who was the awareness charged by unimaginable God.
Universal Spirituality for World Peace


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World Peace & Removal of Terrorism

World Peace & Removal of Terrorism

There are two root causes for the entire chaos and terrorism in this world. One is the thirst for earning money and the other is the religious fanatic. Due to money, people are quarreling, hereas due to religion, countries are quarreling. Unless these two root causes are eradicated we cannot achieve world peace. The tree will not die by cutting leaves and branches. It dies only by cutting its roots. There is no use in earning the extra money. Due to excess money, quarrels, mental worries and several other problems arise. Finally, it ends in loss only and not in any profit. You have to leave all this extra money here only and quit this world alone. Your issues may lose that money given by you. Such sinful extra money brings problems not only to you but also to your children. Neither yourself nor your children will be happy and peaceful. This entire world is the property of God and take whatever is required from it. This is said in Gita, (“Yavanartha….”).

In these days, buffet system is followed during feasts. In this system, large vessels contain various food items and people take food from these vessels according to their requirement. Similarly, God created this entire world and you can take the wealth from it according to your requirement. People are not following the same system when they are taking wealth from this world. The peculiarity is that most rich people follow this buffet system in the feasts but do not follow the same when it comes to earning the money. ‘Esavasya Upanishad’ says that one should return back this extra money to the Lord. Otherwise, the Lord will give the troubles.

In buffet system, if one takes extra food in his plate by over ambition and ignorance for a moment, he returns back immediately before starting eating. Veda says that you must return back the extra money for the God’s work if taken by ignorance. In the buffet system if you eat the extra food, you will suffer from diseases. Similarly, if you enjoy the extra money, God will punish you in several ways.

In this world, people belonging to any religion think that their religion only is the true religion. They think that the God of their religion can alone give the salvation and the worship of that God should be according to their religion only. They also condemn other religions and invite people to convert people into their religion. They do lot of work to establish their religion only in the entire world which shows their ambition. It is just like Alexander’s ambition to make the entire world his kingdom. Alexander wanted to extend his kingdom. But, even he returned back after fighting with Porus (Purushotama) on seeing the loss of life in the battle. But, the ambition of religious fanatics is not subsided on seeing any amount of loss of life. Religion is considered to be backed with spiritual knowledge and the religious people are expected to be free from ambition. We can excuse ambition of any ignorant person like Alexander.

The heart of a religious fanatic will not change by any amount of kindness or love expressed in the appeals. Such appeals can change only the heart and the change in the heart is always temporary. Change in the intelligence brought by knowledge based on logic is always real and permanent. Intelligence (Buddhi) is considered to be the driver of this body, which is like a chariot running by the senses, which are like the horses. If the driver is convinced, the entire chariot along with the horses is in the correct path. The terrorist will not change by love or kindness shown to him. He becomes the terrorist due to the wrong knowledge that enters his brain. He was convinced by that knowledge. That knowledge can be changed only by the right knowledge. A diamond can only be cut by another diamond. Similarly, one type of knowledge can only be replaced by another type of knowledge. Then only, he will be convinced and changed forever.

So far, the trials made to change the terrorist were beating around the bush and therefore, they did not have much effect. Today, SRI GURU DATTA is giving the right knowledge to remove the religious conservatism.

Universal Spirituality for World Peace


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some views about God,atheists & religious extremists.

Why unimaginability of God is not stressed earlier

The real and absolute nature of God is unimaginable. The previous preachers know this point very well since they performed several miracles, which were unimaginable events only. The miracles stand as practical proof for the existence of unimaginable entity that performs the unimaginable events. When the preachers were performing so many miracles, can’t they know the existence of unimaginable item?. It is very simple and no effort is necessary for the performer of the miracles to understand the existence of unimaginable entity and to propagate the same concept. In such case, why the preachers did not say that God is unimaginable?

There may be difficulty to believe this concept by looking at others performing the miracles. But there should be no trace of difficulty of the performer himself to understand this concept, which is demonstrated by himself. Even demons performed miracles, but they were unable to grasp the concept due to their devilish nature of ignorance. Thus, demons can be excused but not the intellectual preachers in revealing this concept. There must be some strong reason for the preachers in not revealing this concept inspite of the demonstration by themselves. Such strong reason is that the intellectual level of ancient people was simply constituted by the conclusions of theoretical logic exercised through debates and discussions only. There was no experimental phase to arrive at steady conclusions. Today, lot of practical evidence is required to contradict any concept. In the ancient times mere sharp logic was sufficient to contradict the concept.

There was no steadiness in the establishment of the concept and the fate of the concept was depending on simply the intellectual sharpness of anybody. In such time, if God was declared as unimaginable, the immediate danger was the possibility of non-existence of the unimaginable items. In such case, the very basic existence of God becomes critical to be believed. In fact, before the arrival of Shankara the fast logic of intelligence ended in the final conclusion that everything is unreal including God. The theory of relativity was applied to every item of the creation with high speed. At any step, the cause is real and the product is unreal since the reality of the product is based on the reality of the cause. But the cause itself is the product of another cause.

This analysis went on ad-infinitum and the final conclusion was that everything is unreal (Shunyavada of Buddhists). In such situation, if you say that the ultimate cause is unimaginable, people would just laugh at it by saying that the unimaginable ultimate cause must be disposed more conveniently as unreal. The word ‘unimaginable’ indirectly means negation of a logical answer. With this fear, Shankara proposed God as pure awareness having no attributes (Nirguna). Later on Ramanuja and Madhva also proposed God as awareness with attributes as qualified (Saguna). This difference is immaterial because the basically real unimaginable God was not projected. Only mediated God was presented, who was the awareness charged by unimaginable God.
Universal Spirituality for World Peace
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