SLI technology

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Broken In
Can any body tell me that is there any advantage of SLI motherboards over nForce4 Ultra chipset(e.g. A8N-E) unless i use two graphics card?My purpose of Pc is doing multimedia works.Should i go for a sli motherboard or A8N-E?


Wise Old Owl
1) Multimedia doesn't need SLi

2)SLi is used for better gaming and if you don't game then there is no point.

3)SLi is mostly a recommended solution when you are going for a relatively high end solution, eg : 7900GTX SLi, in stead of 7900GT SLi you can get 7950GX2, instead of 7600GT SLi you get 7900GT Extreme or 7900GTX
so there is only proint if you are willing to put at the very very minimum 35k or more in your graphic subsystem and recommended mainly for 60k+ solutions. however 7950GX 2 might not be available in india so you might need to consider 7900GT SLi

4)The mobo shouldn't make much difference, but may have more features, a higher mobo is likely to perform better, so you need to check that out. Also, A8N SLi Delux i think is not that good an overclocker, so no point, unless you go for something very high, in fact as such the highest then it may oc even better.

5)There is a DFI sli mobo i thik around 7500, but if you don't use sli then you are only paying for more performance(if it gives) and features, if they are there.

6) Asus A8N E is good.

7) I deserve reps for this


Broken In
My question is that would a SLI motherboard(A8N SLI/A8N SLI DLX etc) give same permonace as A8N-E if I use only one graphics card in both cases.


Wise Old Owl
Yes they both will give the same performance. There's no difference between the nForce4 SLI chipset and the nForce4 Ultra chipset other than SLI.


Wise Old Owl
SLi is mainly aimed at gaming .. or if u want to use more than 2 monitors .... otherwise .. for normal multimedia works .. the A8NE would be an awesome mobo .. coupled with a good graphics card ...

A8N SLi Delux i think is not that good an overclocker, so no point, unless you go for something very high, in fact as such the highest then it may oc even better.

Huh ?? where did u find this ??? Well .. i've seen pc's with Opterons 170 oc'ed to 3 GHz on the A8N SLi .... .... that is not a good oc .. or is it ??


Wise Old Owl
a8n sli dlx, there are many variants of that mobo, anyway i think i read that the asus a8n e i a better ocer os omething.


Wise Old Owl
Well . both mobos have almost the same oc options in the bios .... and can do awesome FSB's .... finally it comes down to the CPU ..
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