Require a 19 to 20 inch monitor - please assist



I want to build a PC for my cousins using some older components - the monitor will mostly be used for gaming and movies at 1440x900 or 1600x900.

Ideally, I would like a 1440x900 since I doubt an HD 4670 can handle much more. But given the lack of such monitors, I feel a 1600x900 resolution may be a decent compromise.

Now, I have looked at some models - the ViewSonic models seem to offer the best features-to-price ratio, but I am a little worried since I had an old VA1912WB which conked pretty early with extreme cases of burn-in and grains appearing. It was a nightmare to get that thing replaced, only to see the issue reappear after a few months.......

On the other hand, my current Dell SE198WFP on this PC from which I'm typing has lasted almost 3 years now with zero issues whatsoever. Thumbs up to dell, but I understand this model is not available now either.

By looking up on the internet, I finally made up my mind to buy one of the following:

ViewSonic VX1937WM/VX2038WM
LG E2040T/W2043T
Samsung B2030
AOC 2036SA

Which of these is good? ViewSonic is the cheapest available out of the above 3 but I have not had a good experience before. My mind is more inclined towards the Samsung since they do have a reputation in displays, but I thought it better to ask here first.

How's Acer, Asus, AOC, etc. BTW?


^That particular BenQ is out--->I have a resolution requirement mentioned in the previous post.....

Dell IN2020M - will have to check it out. At first glance it seems good.

Any difference between CCFL and LED backlight other than energy efficiency? Anyone have experience with any model suggested here, do state if it's good for movies and games in terms of colors and clarity, etc.

(SE198WFP is simply superb :eek:)
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