RAM optimizer

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You are better off with the OS's RAM management rather than using these so called optimizers.I assume here that you are windows xp,if yes then please read the a nice piece of info from the below url:
I've had a very bad experience with these so called optimizers & it never seems to work.So the best is understand how the manages the RAM & if you still feel the need for more then get more RAM.


I feel RAm Optimizers do work. When u run some softwares or programs then the software stores some information on your PC 's RAM. When u close that program most the softwares do not remove off the stored information hence your RAM remains lower than what it should be.
If anyone disagrees with me try this software and then let me know.


Cyborg Agent
Ram optimisers do more bad than good Yes they do clear up the ram BUT the toll they take in term of cpu utilstaion ofsets the advantage gained so better not to use them (i think so no documented test or trials to suport my claim)


QA Juggler
well my expreince is they work like magic , i have tryed many of them and my Vote goes to FreeRAM XP..its a freeware and TweakRam which is a shareware.....


In the zone
yehmeriidhain said:
they work for sure! but they do BAD much more than GUD! so choice is urs ..man!
Man RAM optimizers work great if u are really low on RAM. Just run it before starting a program and u have a program running much much better than when u are not running an optimiser. I say:
they work for sure! but they do much more than Good than Bad. so choice is urs ..man!

Choto Cheeta

pradeep_chauhan said:
Ram optimisers do more bad than good Yes they do clear up the ram BUT the toll they take in term of cpu utilstaion ofsets the advantage gained so better not to use them (i think so no documented test or trials to suport my claim)

:evil: :evil: :evil: if they realy hearts our system then why digit suggest/recomend them......

:idea: :idea: i need to uninstall my RAM booster now........


In the zone
I still wont prefer ne such thing! ..whether it's preferred by Digit or god! .. hardly matters!! .. to me :roll:

I have tried them all ..of no use!!


Cyborg Agent
Well, I find that they usually work if you're strapped for RAM, although its got more to do with RAM defragmenting rather than freeing it up. The best thing to do still is to close down the programs you dont need when you're running something heavy-duty. The performance boost these things give is practically negligible if you have over 128megs of 133MHz+ RAM.


In the zone
OK! i think i shd introduce sth in here!! Well as far as Windows go.... their slogan is "USE RAM AS MUCH AS U CAN" ... I dunno how many of U r known to this fact ..

they say " Y leave RAM empty! when this space can be used to put compilers ..some important system files .... which makes our system & for sure applications to .... run better ...."

They further say " Windows while booting & occupying space in ur RAM ... Windows estimate ur RAM size .. & virtual memory space ..& certainly try to balance it's files ...such tht our system can give an optimal performance .. ofcourse we can tweak tht ..according to ourselves now .. :wink: .. but still ..it's gud to use ur RAM rather then keeping it empty! for long hours & ofcourse ,,.. U r not gonna use it .... newhere else.."

& if people say that aplications run faster,better & well if RAM space is free .. actually they R right but while they say this they know tht .... windows will try to freed RAM on it's own it swaps all the unnecessary files .. into the virtual memory! .. & loads down all the .ini or wat-ever files R required ..to.... make tht applicatinon .... & beware! these people never say free ur RAM ..they just say ..close other applications .. this is bcz ... to help Windows decide the priority! of ur program!! tht U want this application to run as smoother as possible ..

So people plzz come out of it ..tht freeing RAM ..& not utilising it's availability make ur system run better or smoother ..it's the paging, scheduling ... & dispatching! to an extent .. completely done by ur OS! ...

& the question remain unanswered is .. Y do we have these s/w(s) to free RAM or to ..regularly monitor RAM ..bcz at times it might happen ur OS! might get into a state in which it might not be able to decide ... which files to swap! or which to keep ... for these rare instances! these s/w(s) R used ..

OR either if U wanna show-off tht yes! my system has this much of RAM free ... just F*** the S*** .....

I think it's a proper waste ..not to utilise ur RAM ..rather just keeping it vacant most of the time! ..

So people U decide now!! which-ever is fine! :roll:
I'm outta here!

& i stick to the same still :

"they work for sure! but they do BAD much more than GUD! so choice is urs ..man!"
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