Playstation 2 surpasses Playstation 3 in weekly sales!!

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Playstation 2 surpasses Playstation 3 in weekly sales
Old takes on New!

Sony's Playstation 3 may be setting its sights on Nintendo's Wii in the continuing next-gen console war, but a new competitor has emerged to challenge the cell processor-powered behemoth: Sony's very own Playstation 2. The venerable last-gen console outsold its heir by nearly one thousand units in Japan for the week of January 22-28, racking up 20,955 purchases versus the Playstation 3's 19,996 - according to digital entertainment analyst Media Create.

Several factors came together to make the Playstation 2 more appealing to players, such as its lower price tag, its wider selection of games, and its higher availability. Sales of the Nintendo Wii continue to remain strong, topping 83,000 units during the same period. Despite all of this, several analysts continue to predict the long-term success of the Playstation 3, citing its superior technology. Market research firm Research and Markets even went so far as to predict an install base of 75 million worldwide for the Playstation 3 by 2010, though they do not expect it to meet the success enjoyed by its forebear due to Blu-ray and PAL issues it faced upon launch and the earlier release of Microsoft's Xbox360.

Meanwhile, Sony Computer Entertainment of America spokesperson Dave Karraker went on the record with the New York Times earlier this week to lump the Wii in the same category afforded to supermarket tabloids and packets of M&Ms: the impulse buy.

"Wii could be considered an impulse buy more than anything else," Karraker stated, asserting that the Playstation 3 was in a much different category than the Wii and therefore it was a case of apples and oranges to compare the two. Whether the Wii will win out with this strategy in the long-term remains to be seen, though the impulse buy of that console currently seems to have the edge over the higher price point of the heavyweight Playstation 3.

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^^ Yeah right! Several thousand people have already bought it. Millions more are waiting to buy. And you say no one wants to buy it. ROFL Anyway thanks for the info Kiran. Good to know mera pyara PS2 is still selling strong.


Hanging, since 2004..
^^ Talked like a fanboy. PS3 is currently a failure because it did not sell as hot as a sony game machine is expected to. Currently PS3 has nothing special out that can lure customers to buy the product. PS2 was selling even more than the 360 whole year.


Šupər♂ - 超人
PS3 rocks. But costs 1/2 lakh here. The cost factor has bounced back on the PS3.

But... this is again good news. People still few good old PS2 better than XBox & WIII, cost-performance-wise. That's a feather in Sony's cap.

The bottomline.... Gaming's reachin new peaks...


krazyfrog said:
^^ Yeah right! Several thousand people have already bought it. Millions more are waiting to buy. And you say no one wants to buy it. ROFL Anyway thanks for the info Kiran. Good to know mera pyara PS2 is still selling strong.

You only that they are buying it. Do you know most of them are selling it back because they did not except things they wanted. Know the fact first then talk.
__________ said:
PS3 sales will pick up only when games which utilize its power to the max come out...

Making the game full use of PS3 engine cost money a lot of money. Only few game developers will sacrifice that. The game itself will cost around 80$ or more.

Value founder himself said that PS3 is a failure. He asked the sony to stop making PS3 and start for beginning.

Tell me who is going make full use of blu-ray?. They are hardly any reader for that.

XBox 360 got a HD-DVD addon for 180$ and many people are buying it. XBOX console is the clear winner.
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