Phone IP camera and DDNS


Broken In
Hello guys, want some spoon feeding on this.
I want to use a spare Android phone Camera for visual monitoring of my premises from another city.
Since both ends have Dynamic IP allocation, I plan to use one of the free DDNS services.
How exactly do I go about it?

I have tried "IP Phone Camera" and "IP Webcam" and the Camera and PC work wonderfully across the local Home LAN.
But I want to link the 2 on Internet using the DDNS facility.
I have looked into NO-IP, but I'm completely lost.

Can you guide me?


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
I have tried "IP Phone Camera" and "IP Webcam" and the Camera and PC work wonderfully across the local Home LAN.

What apps have you used for this?

What have you tried for DDNS so far? IMO, if your router/gateway can route to your device and the port is open and visible from the internet, then you should be able to access the device.

Unless you are on CGNAT, in which case you'll probably need a static IP before you try anything.


Broken In
Thank You.
I used then "IP Phone Camera" app on the phone. When I turn on the app, it tells me which IP and Port to use to view it.
When linked to my local WiFi, it gives an address starting with 192.168.x.x and port pppp.
The PC browser is able to view the camera output with this address.
When I am on 4g, it gives me an address and port that is not reachable by the browser.

I created a DDNS account in using the NO IP website.

What do I do next?
if your router/gateway can route to your device and the port is open and visible from the internet
When my phone is on 4G, where / how does the above apply?


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
When my phone is on 4G, where / how does the above apply?
It won't work then. In this case you will have to setup and use your own VPN such as OpenVPN or Wireguard.

This way, your phone will be on the same network as your PC and can communicate with each other over a private IP assigned by the VPN, even if your phone is not on Wifi. However, this might still require your machine you are going to connect to to have a static IP on the router with port forwarding.
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