My Samsung S2 mobile dead

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Right off the assembly line
Hi all,
I am using Samsung S2 Mobile for almost 5 years, but I have not taken the backup of my data in it and also the phone contacts.

Once my phone got dead , then only I realised the need of the backup of the phone because all the data is stored in the phone memory.

I gave my phone to a nearby shop in Bangalore, They told that the board has to be replaced , It will cost 2000 INR.

They are saying that the data cannot be recovered as the board is dead.But I am sure the data can be recovered as the phone is not physically damaged.


Data can be recovered but I'm not sure shops in India would be equipped to do that. You might have to find someone who does board level repairs and check if they can recover the data.


I am the master of my Fate.
Once the board is dead and cannot be repaired then all the data is gone.
But u can try at other repair shops who do chip level repair.
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