Monitor as a tv.


My knowledge is zero when it comes to pc monitors and tv sets.So i need your advice in this area.
I am planning to buy a new pc (i5-3570k,gigiabyte ud3h,no gpu) and i want to buy a monitor for this rig.
But i also want to use this monitor as a tv.Do i need a special monitor for this purpose?or any special piece of hardware?also i am not going to buy a gpu so does that pose any problem?

I have a budget of 10000 inr.

What i want : 20-22 inches. hd 1080p. i will be using it for gaming purpose.

Additional info: i5-3570k,gigiabyte z77 ud3h,no gpu.I will be buying a gpu later so If a gpu is needed to use it as a tv then its not a problem.will be using tata sky.


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monitor only needs a video input signal to be used as tv which all DTH set top boxes provide.also for a gamer most important thing is gpu not cpu so instead of spending money on 3570k get any cheap quad core from amd bulldozer series(or any non-k i5 unless you absolutely need overclocking) & use the saved money to buy a fast graphics card assuming you have a limited budget but if money is not an issue then ignore it.


so you are saying that any normal monitor will do?It will be a great help if u name some.
I will be buying a graphic card in the near future (7950 vapour x) i am saving for it right now.
Thank you for the suggestion! :)
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