This.. Is.. Sparta..!!
Making images from HTML tables. Did you got it ?
If you haven't then it is like using no images but using clean HTML tables to make an image.
So I turned out to a pretty looking picture from Yahoo Answers Avatar, an avatar of someone that was 48 X 48 resolutions. You guys might be thinking it is too easy; NAH! Think again. It is 2304 cells, which will still wrinkle your fore head and open your mouth.
Here is how i did it.
you guys are welcome to show your works too.
If you haven't then it is like using no images but using clean HTML tables to make an image.
So I turned out to a pretty looking picture from Yahoo Answers Avatar, an avatar of someone that was 48 X 48 resolutions. You guys might be thinking it is too easy; NAH! Think again. It is 2304 cells, which will still wrinkle your fore head and open your mouth.
Here is how i did it.
you guys are welcome to show your works too.