Logitech Z443 : Bass dies down after 4-7 seconds.


Ambassador of Buzz
I am having strange issue with my 10 months old Logitech Z443 2.1 speakers.

They were working properly for last 10 months. But today while playing a song, I felt the bass suddenly dropped to zero (only satellites were working).

Turning it off and on makes it work properly for next 4-7 seconds before bass dies down again. The bass knob works fine in these 4-7 seconds, but once sub stops functioning after 4-7 seconds, bass knob no longer functions.

What's wrong with it :( should i visit logitech service center?

one more thing. 3 months after purchasing these speakers (7 months ago), bass knob had started to make strange noise when moved. noise like someone's blowing on microphone. I wasn't concerned about it as i very rarely turned bass the bass knob. always kept it at full.
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