Source: *
net user xxxxxxx where xxxxxxx is the name of the user you want to edit.
Run the CMD command from the Run menu (or from the Quick Launch toolbar if you've followed my tips so far).
Type in
net user xxxxxx
(where xxxxxx is the username you want to edit)
The command displays the user's properties, all of them, not just the ones MS wants you to see. For instance, you can see when was his or her last logon, when he or here have changed their password etc.
Type in
net user xxxxxx /times:s-f,8-19
(where xxxxxx is the username you want to edit, the s-f means Sunday to Friday and 8-19 means the hours of the day when you want the user to be able to log-on)
Again, run
net user xxxxxx
and see the difference.
Type in
net user xxxxxx /times:all
to get the user logon hours back to default.9
Play around with the NET USER command. You can get it to do very nice things (read the Create Users for Testing Purposes page for an example).