Lenovo Y50 Users : CPU/GPU/HDD Temperature


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I am starting this new thread so that owners of the Lenevo Y50 can post their GPU/CPU temperatures. I am a bit suspicious about the temps on my laptop since it get's pretty warm just with normal usage. Let's keep this thread limited to temperatures so that we can know what's normal and what's not.

Here are my temps (Using Core Temp and HWInfo)

Temperatures while typing this post without any other apps open (Core Temp) :
Min : 41C
Max : 62C

Temperatures while typing this post without any other apps open (HWInfo)
GPU Package
Min : 46
Max 47

The WSAD keys and the bottom of the laptop get pretty warm even with normal usage. Although, the internal temperatures seem to be normal from what I understand. What about you guys? What's temperature is your CPU and GPU running on when all you are doing is reading this thread in the browser.

I haven't put this laptop through some hardcore games since I currently don't have the bandwidth to download games as I am in the process of changing my internet connection. Would love to see the actual temperatures from those who have put it though heavy load.
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