IPhone Users Reporting "Dead Strips" on Touch Screens

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Reports are surfacing about dead spots on the iPhone touch screen, usually a strip about a half inch from the top. Restoring and resetting the phone don't seem to help, so it looks like a hardware problem.

According to Apple Discussion Forum posts, Apple employees are familiar with the problem and recommend sending the iPhone in for a three day repair, although if you want a phone in the meantime it'll cost you $29 (unless you sweet talk the folks at the Genius Bar, which some people have managed).

This isn't the first time that "rev. A" Apple products have suffered manufacturing defects; remember the yellow stained MacBooks? So if you have this problem, take it in for repair. And good luck if you're visiting an AT&T store.

source - *blog.wired.com/gadgets/2007/08/iphone-users-re.html


Juke Box Hero
Argh!! That looks bad. But it'll be rectified eventually. Maybe those who planned to purchase in India should wait a bit till its officially released here.
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