Insiders said iPhone Quality Problems May Delay Launch

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Right off the assembly line
Insiders at the Company manufacturing the Apple iPhone claim that quality problems are causing concen to the extent that the iphone may be delayed past June 11th 2007.

Apple is struggling to deliver a quality iPhone according to insiders at a Taiwanese phone manufacturing Company. Han Hai (aka Foxconn) are concerned that the designs Apple have delivered for manufacturing are not robust enough and that the Apple software functions built into the phone are sucking juice out of the batteries to the extent that talk time is significantly compromised. It is expected that the iPhone will not be launched on June 11th 2007.

According to BusinessWeek in the USA various iPhone suppliers have been told that the iPhone may not be available until the end of June.

Check more at iPhone lover


Aspiring Novelist

Is this never going to stop? Every other day, there is a new thread about some ridiculous rumour or the other - multi-touch displays, Wi-Fi iPods, iPhone delays, Steve Jobs' death, whatever!

Can't people use their own heads before believing such nonsense? Both Apple and Cingular have asserted many times that the iPhone is going to ship on time. If there are any delays, they will be the ones who announce it.

Thread reported.


Wire muncher!
i see no reason to report the thread. come on buddy... hmm. the original link is this: * i'm not saying that this is 100% true or 100% false. whatever he's read and thot its worth a post he's posted it.. and also given the source.

i read this on ars technica: * and that is a reputed site.

again nothing is guaranteed. Vista was to ship sometime back but it was delayed. did anyone report the thread abt the posts which said "vista delayed?" before MS announced it? we see news abt linux distros/kernel delays before the concerned org announces it. but nobody gets angry wid these things.

and theres nothing abt "using their own heads"!!!! take it in a light way dude, take it easy :)

cheers :)


The Devil's Advocate
arya u seem to be very confident that all these rumours are only going to remain rumours ... are you steve jobs' apprentice or before making any thing new steve jobs calls u up tells u and then starts working on it .... even the zune was supposed to be a rumour forget the zune the iphone itself was a rumour on hearing which all u mac lovers were jumping around .... almost everything starts with a rumour dude ... so stop acting so immature that u start reporting such threads


hahaa... thats a lotttta rage dude (@ aryayush).... i thot mac users were a lot more cooler in the head.... bein loyal to your fav brand is cool, but i guess goin fanatic without bein paid, is, uhhhhhh... lame.... lolz.... and yea, rumours are usually leaked from the company itself to promote aniticipation and create excitement among the consumers....
...Han Hai (aka Foxconn) are concerned that the designs Apple have delivered for manufacturing are not robust enough and that the Apple software functions built into the phone are sucking juice out of the batteries to the extent that talk time is significantly compromised....
when people read that, they're gonna think "wow, this fone's got so many functions that the hardware cant handle it!" though cynics may say/think otherwise and consider it as a lowdown....
so chill bro, its might just be a gimmick to keep the iphone in the news... its been there since the past sooo many months, they just dont want the excitement to die down just like that.... :)


Aspiring Novelist
The reason I get worked up about these rumours is that they are ABSOLUTELY baseless. And some people believe them.

After some days, you are having a discussion about the iPhone and someone comes along saying that it is delayed and then points to this thread. Then you have to explain to the idiot what the word 'rumour' is supposed to mean. Look at any of the following links:






And these, my dear friend, are just a few examples. Yes, some rumours do come true (like the iPhone), but for every true rumour, there are ten others that someone has pulled right out of his... you know where!

Even the iPhone has been rumoured for the past five years. Even a single one of the alleged leaks about the iPhone's specs and pictures did not turn out to be true. It was merely guesswork and a longing for the product.

I can bet you that if another debate starts about the iPhone somewhere on this forum, one very highly respected member of this forum (who has had a thousand aliases) will slam the product saying that it has quality problems. And that is why I don't want these stupid rumours to be posted in a mainstream forum. At least, people should have the sense to check it out for themselves before posting about it somewhere where most people are likely to believe everything they read. That's all I'm saying - use your head. :)

@hash!!, you don't know Apple. You do not know them at all. The last company to leak something about their products would be Apple.

And there is nothing so hugely wrong about reporting a thread. I felt such threads should not be encouraged, so I did my duty of bringing it to the moderators' attention. If they feel it is OK for this topic to be discussed, the thread will do just fine - like it is now. So don't get worked about the fact that I reported a thread. :)


The Devil's Advocate
dude grow up .... emma watson quitting harry potter .... the bosses of warner bros. came out with a statement that they have signed them for the rest of the films .... news is news ... whether its a rumour only time will tell .... did emma tell u that she is not going quit .... dude grow up

the 7th book .... so what did jk put it on stamp paper that she is not going to write a 7th book ...

multi touch display .... its good technology .... when did steve jobs confirm to u or the world that such a device is not in the offing .... u urself said that apple is a closed source company not letting the world know (cudnt resist tht :D) .... so how can u say tht its not gonna happen ... may be may be not ... just because u own a mac doesnt mean that u know everything that company is making or not making

mac book with windows ... i wonder wont that be possible with boot camp ...

@mods it is dis-respectful to members that some member gives adjectives (which attribute to him more than others) to threads started by them when sources have been posted and its not the poster cooking something up ....


Aspiring Novelist
I don't know why you guys have to start an argument about every single thing. A person cannot even voice his opinion honestly.

OK, this is a great thread. Keep posting such informative posts. I am sure this is contributing to the forum. :)

P.S. - BTW, it wasn't exactly those threads I was commenting on, it was posts from certain people in those threads where they had assumed already that rumours were true. I wouldn't want to link to the exact posts though.
And I am saying this the last time, I do not have a problem with rumours. The problem is the misinformation these rumours cause.


Aspiring Novelist
"Hey, did you guys know that the iPhone is coming out in June? Yeah, still.

AT&T COO Randall Stephenson has re-confirmed to the Financial Post that the iPhone is, indeed, still coming out at the end of June. "Our expectations are good. Our testing has been good. The iPhone is on target to launch in June," he said."


There you have it, as they say, right from the horse's mouth. But then, I guess an "insider's" opinion is much more news worthy than the opinion of the people who are going to sell the phone. Keep it up, guys - you are doing a great job. Why not post a thread about how a particular leak says that Apple plans to ship Windows by default on all Macintoshes and that they are going to give Mac OS X for free to all Linux users.
Of course, there won't be any proof about it, but then neither would I have any against it. After all, Steve Jobs didn't confirm to me or to the world that such a deal is not in the offing. Whatever.


The Devil's Advocate
some 1 posted a piece of news which was supposedly a rumour .... u posted this article end of story .... y did u have u come up with that post of urs calling for ppl to stop spreading rumours and all hose adjectives ... this is the whole point ... some 1 got a news posted it here u verified it from "ur sources" and it wasnt true .... u post it here .... baat khattam


Aspiring Novelist
His source was flawed in the first place. Did you even have a look at the source? It is not even a TLD and it has absolutely no credibility to speak of. For all we know, it is just a random blog by any anonymous teenager.

To top it off, he apparently disagrees with himself and cannot seem to make up his mind. First it was the battery problems and in a more recent post he says that "the issue with the iPhone is not the battery, but the software Q/A and OS-related issues." Great; just great.
I must say I am very surprised that the developers are facing some problems with the operating system of a product that is in the development phase. I am sure it is reason enough to believe that the phone is going to be delayed.

Again, I am not saying that it won't be delayed, but as long as we do not have any official news about any delay, it is going to be on time.

Edit: Apple has said that the release date for the iPhone is June. This stupid rumour says that the iPhone might be delayed to late June. Late June, however, still falls within June so that would not be a delay anyway.


The Devil's Advocate
aryayush said:
Edit: Apple has said that the release date for the iPhone is June. This stupid rumour says that the iPhone might be delayed to late June. Late June, however, still falls within June so that would not be a delay anyway.
then what r u crying for


It doesn't matter to us anyway. iPhone won't be coming to india until 2008 (that was what was published in Digit).


My point was that you were getting worked up about the rumour the guy posted about the iPhone getting delayed when actually there was no need to, as delayed or not we Indians aren't getting our hands on it before the 2008 Asia release date. So in either case, it doesn't matter to us. Nor whether the rumour is true or not. So why did you raise your blood pressure for something that doesn't affect you either ways?


Aspiring Novelist
If I were to raise my voice about everything on this forum that affected me, I would have been put of here sooner than I could spell digit.

It does not have anything to do with me. I just do not like people saying stuid things throughout the forum and then pointing to rumours as the basis for their opinions.

And please stop further discussion on the topic. You guys are free to encourage such rumours if you wish to. :)


Google Bot
rumour or not... iPhone is getting free publicity in the forum... and i think u shd like that... :p


You gave been GXified
pathiks said:
rumour or not... iPhone is getting free publicity in the forum... and i think u shd like that... :p
Edited : Yup (saving from flames)
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