Importing (locked) iphone from united states


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guys i'am from india and i have asked my brother (who lives in united states) to get me an iphone. the plan is that he will buy an iphone on contract and get it here in india and i will keep that phone for myself (will jailbreak it before using) now the question is that once my bro pays 199$ for the iphone 6 16gb model he will recieve the monthly bill of the selected plan

will those monthly bills stop after he leaves the phone here to me or he will continue recieving those monthly bills

or is there any other better idea of importing locked phone from us other than ebay.


Broken In
he will get the monthly bill till he is on contract with the company, he wont able to terminate that contract. if budget permits asked him to get unlocked version for you it will still be cheaper than India


You shouldn't buy phones on contract. If you want to buy from USA, go to and search for unlocked phones there. Would be the same as importing it.
You'll be billed for the entire duration of contract irrespective of whether you have the phone or not. And IIRC exporting phones under contract is illegal.


Geek in making
Strict no if you are getting a locked phone. unlocking it will be a pain for you, Get the pre unlocked version from Ebay as suggested above.


Ambassador of Buzz
Guys, what if his brother buys the mobile on contract, get back here in India and unlock it? Does he have to pay the fine?


Cyber Genius FTW
if hes already bought it,try out gevy sim for the phone,works well
have used it for iphone 4 years ago just like this,no issues


You will need a really good friend to do that for you. It involves losing the phone and insurance replaces it etc. Not recommended. don't do anything illegal.
Those who do this already, just sell at retail price in India for huge profit, coz any way, you know non tech savvy swayed by Apple phone from direct from US hype.
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