How much $$ for this.............

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Really sorry if i have put this post in the wrong place.
But here goes....
I have a PC with the following config........

p-2 MMX,4 GB HDD,Samsung 52X CD Rom drive,
a Yamaha sound card(not kidding but an old one)..PCI Ethernet Card frm D-Link,24 MB ram
A 14" b/w monitor.

I wanna sell this and buy a pc with the foll config but not rite a month definitely.So dont sue me for postin in this section

p-2(500 Mhz)/celeron(600 Mhz) ,atleast 128 MB RAM,a decent (8 MB onboard will do) Graphics card ...Note this graphics card is very much optional.I also wud wanna 15" color monitor...

So...... now are
the questions...

1.How much will I get for my old PC

2.How much will it cost for the other PC

Thanks a ton in advance.
Ciao :D
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