Help me choose a programming language

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I have learnt Java and C++ at school. It's all pretty basic stuff, you know arrays and the likes... But I love programming and am pretty good at it too. In fact, I am pretty sure I am going to enter the IT field when I need to get a job.

So while this happens to be a hobby, i think it would be extremely nice if it would come in handy when I am getting a job.

So could you suggest some languages for me to learn?

I have heard that .net programming and VB are useful to know, but you are likely to have a lot of restrictions. Is this true?

Or, should i just improve my Java and C++ skills?

I really want to be able to customize windows a bit, by adding batch files and my own prompts and such. For example, there is this one virus that automatically shuts down whatever windows are open when Orkut is pinged, and displays a message saying "ha ha ha" or something like that. I would love to be able to customize my computer like that. I also want to be able to make exes.... which i really have no idea how to do in java or C++.....


Commander in Chief
Go with VC++. VB is restrictive as you mention (Doesn't even support short assignment syntaxes, etc. A programmer's nightmare, a GUI designer's dream come true :p)

Also learn some scripting languages / functional programming languages like Python, Haskell, etc. Those are effective in solving problems real quick.


dá ûnrêäl Kiñg
if u r looking for a career in programming C# is the way to go.A good no of programmers are switching frm vb and c++ to c#,becoz it offers the same power as c++ and is much easier and a neat language i wud say...

If u like to customize windows then look no further its AuotHotkey The best automating software for windows.The virus u talked abt is created with Autohotkey. Once u start using it u wont believe its power...u can do so much in one or two steps which wud take several steps in a main stream language.
But i warn u using Autohotkey will make u loose interest in other languages...;)


wow. That software is insanely powerful!!

So i guess i will be learning C#. [That is pronounced C sharp right?}]
And can i get a link to a good online tut?

Zeeshan Quireshi

C# Be Sharp !
MSDN Beginner Developer Learning Center:


Best Resource for C# Development :)

Btw , C# is my favorite language too .


Web Junky 2.0
If you want to know web technologies, you can learn some scripts such as javascript, php, etc. Some markup languages also u can read, such as html, xml.
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