hard disk problem,please help

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Right off the assembly line
I ve got a strange problem.this evening i started my pc with win xp.when i tried to go to c:\ ,a msgbox said that it was not formatted.later i restarted my computer with win 98.it said that the fat in c:\ could not be read and instructed me to run scanreg in "command-mode only".actually i have win 98 installed on partition c.what should i do to save all the data ?please help


First check ur registry and defragement ur drive, run scan disk and check for errors.....if u cannot do this....use s/w like norton system works and run appropriate tool to check ur OS....and HDD.....other option is :arrow:
U can back up ur data by using backup s/w, if u have a DVD writer or enough disk space or can get a extra disk to trnasfer the data do it.....format ur HDD drive and reload teh OS.... then transfer the data...and ur done.....


I think some virus had troubling u.Better format and reinstall the both os.Normally i have seen such case only in floppy.ur problem seem's to new.


this prob usually come up when the hdd has bad sectors i suggest
first try to backup ur data on other hdd
then perform a zero fill or low level format from Disk Manager
if u r not able to to backup the data
run the surface scan of the whole hdd in dos mode
boot with win98 in dos mode then run this command

scandisk /all /autofix /surface

nach p

If you have bad sectors then scandisk in 98 will get hanged and maybe sometimes DOS mode fails to fix Bad Sectors.
So first of all do scandisk from XP.It will fix all Bad sectors on c: drive (drive which u r choosing0
If there are no bad sectors then just do virus scan.
U can also use software HDD Regenerator to fix bad sectors.
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