So, is there any meta surrounding different deck classes? What the strength and weaknesses of each race is? I have been using a King Foltest deck for a while now and prefer it mainly because I am most familiar with it.
Yes there is unique archetypes you can see in each factions. I will list the ones I know (there may be more archetypes for following factions, but these are the ones which I know about)
Monster: 3 archetypes
1. Weather - Just as the name says, weather focusing
2. Consume - Eat your own monsters to power up, I used this deck to beat AI challenge for leader cards
3. Wild hunt - As the name suggests, have many wild hunt cards which the strategy focuses on. Also contains some weather cards.
Soc'teal: 3 archetypes
1. Dwarf - Synergies with dwarf cards. Aim to to powerup your dwarf "resilient" cards so much so that in next round the resilient cards are enough to win you the series.
2. Spell - Loads of spell cards and only a handful of minion cards. There is a minion which powerups whenever you use a spell. The strategy revolves around it. I hate to play against this one the most. Also includes a weather deck.
3. Elfs - Not many people play this, but it is a viable deck. It uses "Ambush" cards which are mainly found in elf race.
Nilfgaardians: 2 archetypes
1. Millfgaardian - The strategy is to mill most of your cards through spies and other cards and gain resource advantage in doing so. Most top ladder players play this deck.
2. Reveal - This deck uses most "Do this when a card is revealed" cards. Either damage, powerup or draw, etc. Decent deck to play on ladder if you have enough cards of this archetype.
Northern Realms: 2 archetypes
1. Swarm - This deck plays many less powerful minions but they have some kind of ability to get bonus when X number of same cards are played. This is also known as
Reaver Hunter deck as this card is the winning move of this deck most of the times.
2. Machinery - This deck have good number of machine cards like catapults n trebuchets etc and some minion cards to power up them. Its also a good deck but not the best one right now.
Skellige: 2 archetypes
I cant differentiate the archetypes in this faction properly coz they use most cards in all of them. But the basic strategy revolves around Queensguard, Morkvarg and few more cards which "gets power up whenever a minion is damaged". The deck was pretty strong, dunno now whether the patch nerfed them or not.
Anyways, thats the little knowledge I have regarding archetypes right now. There are more decks in each faction which I dont know much about.
I use Dwarf deck, consume monster deck and sometimes Milfgaardian deck to rank up.