Right off the assembly line
I want to buy a lap below 45k ,after many reviews i had chosen 3laps ..
which one is good to buy??
1.HP 15 r014tx (i5-4210u/4gb ram/1tb /win8.1/2gb nvidia gt 820m/HD)
2.Lenovo z50-70 (59-429623)
(i5-4210u/4gb ram/1tb /DOS/2gb nvidia gt 840m/)
[i had some doubt related to this lenovo model.
1.wheter it has 840 or 820 graphic card? is FullHD display or not??
bcoz some reviews tell that it has 820graphics card ]
3. HP 15 r022tx (i5-4210u/8gb ram/1tb /Dos/2gb nvidia gt 820m/HD)
please tell which one to buy and also clarify my doubt about above lenovo model.
if anyother model available with this specs post here dudes....
which one is good to buy??
1.HP 15 r014tx (i5-4210u/4gb ram/1tb /win8.1/2gb nvidia gt 820m/HD)
2.Lenovo z50-70 (59-429623)
(i5-4210u/4gb ram/1tb /DOS/2gb nvidia gt 840m/)
[i had some doubt related to this lenovo model.
1.wheter it has 840 or 820 graphic card? is FullHD display or not??
bcoz some reviews tell that it has 820graphics card ]
3. HP 15 r022tx (i5-4210u/8gb ram/1tb /Dos/2gb nvidia gt 820m/HD)
please tell which one to buy and also clarify my doubt about above lenovo model.
if anyother model available with this specs post here dudes....