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Charon isn't that good, keep playing, after the project purity mission you'll be send to retrieve the G.E.C.K, when doing the mission you'll come across a friendly super mutant named Fawkes trapped in a room, release him and a bit later you can acquire him as a follower. At any difficulty Fawkes is the strongest character in the game(incl you), he can survive upto 4-8 direct blasts from a fatman and his gatling laser can kill anything in a few moments.

Thanks for the info buddy :p

Well I think I should now get back to the main quest of the game to acquire that mighty help :p


Hanging, since 2004..
'Phenomenal' !! :| , looks like i am living in future.... but mass effect 2 from the same company looks n times better !! Google for Dragon age graphics opinion of gamers, most of them think it sucks.


Human Spambot
'Phenomenal' !! , looks like i am living in future.... but mass effect 2 from the same company looks n times better !! Google for Dragon age graphics opinion of gamers, most of them think it sucks.

Sad to say that.. Dragon Age Origins Console counter parts were not developed by BioWare. BioWare developed only PC version. A Individual Developer named 'Edge of Reality' developed Dragon Age Origins Console versions. The company is know for it's TonyHawk Series, In'ble Hulk.

The main reason I think the reason for MassEffect's Edge is.. UE3 Engine in which many coders will feel right at the home and It's Lightning Effects.(And I don't have to separately tell that intelligent lighting effects could bring a lot of change in the way the games look). Where as Dragon Age Origins was developed in ECLIPSE engine which is new in the town.

I Should remember that Dragon Age Origins is the game that lags most in X360 I think that's because of the hard ware limitations(Who knows! may be fine tuning:wink:).

But technically DA:O is stunning.I played it for almost 70 hours and didn't noticed any texture corruptions, Floating corpses, Hiccups, Animation glitches,etc.

May be I am completely wrong. I might be total dumb ass who don't know about anything.. Sorry to bother. :)


'Phenomenal' !! :| , looks like i am living in future.... but mass effect 2 from the same company looks n times better !! Google for Dragon age graphics opinion of gamers, most of them think it sucks.

Man ! its an Strategy game cum Role playing , as for the Genre the graphics is cool


Hanging, since 2004..
May be I am completely wrong. I might be total dumb ass who don't know about anything.. Sorry to bother.

No one is dumb here, and even if eclipse engine is new still it does not justify the game's avg looks. Gamers will compare it with any available game engine in the market, be it UE3, Cryengine, Source, etc .
btw , about 360/PS3 I don't give a damn. I am a exclusive PC gamer now (may be little bit of PSP sometimes :D).

Btw, Started Mass Effect today.
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I killed HIGH DRAGON after several tries , but after killing it all the armor from it are useless can u tell me the powerful weapon in the game ??


Human Spambot

I killed HIGH DRAGON after several tries , but after killing it all the armor from it are useless can u tell me the powerful weapon in the game ??

There is no best weapon in Dragon Age origins. The best weapon is your tactics.

That said.. The best weapon depends on lot of things..

1. The character class
2. Your Stats
3. Your current abilities
4. Your Team mates abilities/classes
5. Material They are made of..
6. Your mind set.
7. Your game progress

I want some clarifications to suggest you the best weapon..

1. your character class
2. Your stats
3. abilities

Please inform above details.. I will help my best.


Hanging, since 2004..
May be we should start a Official Dragon Age thread :D. I am gonna start this one after mass effect.


Human Spambot
Yes..with The choices you make directly affecting your story and the next choices you are going to make...there are almost X ways to unfold the story. I personally squeezed it as far as I can. I still got lot more things to do in that. May be I will start it again after some time.


^Install all available DLC for Dragon Age and you get many super cool items like weapons and armour and also a couple of tomes for skill. Plus, a golem follower :)D) too! Shale is too good and can replace any warrior tank you have got.
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