G is not accessible,Incorrect function


I am not able to access blank cds in my new iomega superslim usb dvd.

I can read/play all cds/dvds.On right clicking the drive after inserting a bland cd,the used and unsed space is shown as 0.

My os win xp sp3.

The dvd works fine with other pc in nwindows 7.

what could be the reason?


Some misconfiguration in the OS or maybe a problem with the USB port. Open Device Manager & check if your drive is detected & installed properly. Try uninstalling it & reinstalling it.

If you have Nero, try running the Nero Info Tool & post the result of the "drive capabilities" page here.


Right-click on drive > Properties. Under Recording tab, check if "Enable Recording.. " is enabled. If not enable that.


I am the master of my Fate.
I am not able to access blank cds in my new iomega superslim usb dvd.

I can read/play all cds/dvds.On right clicking the drive after inserting a bland cd,the used and unsed space is shown as 0.

My os win xp sp3.

The dvd works fine with other pc in nwindows 7.

what could be the reason?

Space is shown 0 usually....
when u insert a Blank CD...does the icon changes in my computer...
also use Nero CD/DVD Speed to check the abt the blank CD info...

if its displaying the name of the manufacturer there then its alryt :grin:
I am not able to access blank cds in my new iomega superslim usb dvd.

I can read/play all cds/dvds.On right clicking the drive after inserting a bland cd,the used and unsed space is shown as 0.

My os win xp sp3.

The dvd works fine with other pc in nwindows 7.

what could be the reason?

that's not a problem. it'll go away once you burn something on the disk.
it's the same case for me as well. don't worry. :smile:
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