knocking on heavens door
For Sale !
- Product Name, Manufacturers code & URL: World's only jet turbine powered Batmobile
- Expected Price: US $620,000.00
- Time of Purchase: you dare to ask that boy?
- Indian warranty valid/Remaining Warranty period: yes...replacement warranty from Wayne enterprise
- Reason for Sale: leaving the superhero business
- Purchase Invoice Available: Yes [have to ask alfred]
- Product Condition: running...wanna test? you pay for the gas
- Accessories Included: batgirl not included
- Product Location: Gotham city
- Preferred Courier: No specific courier/ NeverReach™ Couriers
- Shipping Charges: drive it urself
- Payment Options: Cash, Bank transfer, Gold Coins.
Any phone numbers or e-mail addresses will be deleted.
so................................any takers?
Dare to click boy?