Firefox connections per server per tab


Wise Old Owl
I am looking for a way to restrict the number of connections Firefox makes to each server on a per tab basis. Firefox is my browser of choice.

Modern webpages connect to a number of servers to get the whole content which include the primary text content, then the icons/images, scripts/CSS, advertisements, social buttons etc. This means multiple connections made to different websites for each page. When you consider that I generally open multiple tabs and wait for them to load it compounds the problem by a lot. Suppose I open the primary Digit website and keep on opening interesting pages in new background tabs. All of these individual tabs will open multiple connections to the same set of servers causing considerable slow down in the loading of individual pages. It may be more efficient to say that parallel loading improves the ultimate page load times but practically I do not want all those advertisements and social buttons to load in order to get at the content which is usually text/html.

What is possible to do that I know of:
I can set the number of connections per server basis. I can restrict this to say 1 connection per server. But this will cause considerable delay while waiting for the 6 tabs opened of the same website while other websites would load better.

What I am looking to do:
I should be able to restrict the number of connections per server on a per tab basis. So that each tab opened will only have a single connection to a server. This way resources are distributed across tabs to get the basic text which I believe is usually small and hence fast while waiting for the slower ads and images/icons to load later slowly.

Does anyone know how to do this?


Wise Old Owl
There is an option to adjust maximum persistent connections per server (which as Firefox tries to make all connections persistent) that acts as connections per server.
I have adjusted it to 2 from the default 6 and I think life has become a little bit better in some aspects.
But I am still looking for a better solution.
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