Dual SIM mobile for dad~7k


1. Budget?
5 to 7k(max)

2. Display type and size?
Doesn't matter

3. Form Factor? bar, slider, flip?
Bar or slider

4. Preferred choice of brand?
Samsung, SE, Nokia and Motorola

5. Preferred input method (QWERTY, touchscreen, numpad, touch-n-type).
Numpad or QWERTY, he finds touchscreen phones complicated

6. What camera option you want? Please specify need for flash, autofocus, front facing camera.
2MP camera is must more is better

7. Preferred operating system? (Android, Symbian, iOS, Windows Phone etc).
I prefer symbian

8. Preferred connectivity options (3G, Wifi etc)Please specify clearly.
3G with video call

9. Preferred applications (Flash, Swype, GPS, etc)?
Doesn't matter

10. Primary use of handset (multimedia, camera, mails, internet, gaming etc)?
Calling, mails and some music(mostly radio)

11. Any specific mobile phones in consideration?

12. Any other info that you want to share
My dad wants to change his mobile's currently using SE K810i and Nokia 3220, with a dual SIM phone. He wants to buy within this week, he wont be changing mobile for a while so build quality and after sales service matters a lot.
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