Does Asus P4C800 support PCI Graphics card?

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But why it still has PCI slots like how my older mobo 810e has.810e also has onboard video ..and PCI graphics cards also work on that.

Is it because asus mobo has no onboard video...thats why it doesnt support PCI graphics cards .....only AGP ??


1337 |)00|) \m/
Does Asus P4C800 motherboard support PCI Graphics card?

A PCI card? Hmm... Well they are nearly extinct :D However u can get a 2nd hand on.. if u'r lucky enough...

And BTW, if you meant PCIe , then nope. You got an AGP 8x port.


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yeah I am talking about a PCI graphics card ...I have one ..geforce4 MX420 it works pretty good ;-) on my 810e.

Well today I received a asus P4C800 mobo ...and it has only AGP slot and no onboard video ..and when I plugged that video card (PCI) into the PCI slot...nothing appears on screen.The monitor green LED...just flashes and dont remain constant.So I was wondering ...may be this mobo doesnt support PCI cards(graphics that is) i came over ask you guys.


1337 |)00|) \m/
But why it still has PCI slots like how my older mobo 810e has.810e also has onboard video ..and PCI graphics cards also work on that.

Is it because asus mobo has no onboard video...thats why it doesnt support PCI graphics cards .....only AGP ??

Firstly it was very hard to understand what you actually meant.. Maybe I have problems in understanding.. No offense meant.

Now, PCIe 8x/16x slot is used for Graphics Cards while PCI slots are still used for other accessories like internal modems... LAN cards etc.....

AGP is present in place of a PCIe slot due to the fact that it is an outdated mobo, since all new mobos are PCIe enabled.. :D

PCI is different from PCIe 8x/16x slots... The latter are faster and offer higher bandwidth and throughput. Hence, suitable for Gaming..
Well today I received a asus P4C800 mobo ...and it has only AGP slot and no onboard video ..and when I plugged that video card (PCI) into the PCI slot...nothing appears on screen.The monitor green LED...just flashes and dont remain constant
I hope not. Since an AGP slot is there, I think that PCI slots aren't used for video on that mobo.. I might be wrong too... Any other members would like to clarify ?
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@kaustav_geek ....cmon yaar you dont need to be sorry.I sometimes write in a hurry ;-)

What u said is right.I know the latest thingy's PCI-Express and all..

But ...I am asking you guys about "PCI" graphics cards...they are extinct I know.I also got that card some months back that too second hand.My mobo is 810e ..and that card works great with that mobo.I can atleast try my hands at different games.I know its slow..but its much better than the onboard video of intel 810e.

Now..I have got a ASUS P4C800 mobo...which doesnt have onboard video but has a "AGP" slot which would accept AGP cards and not PCI-Express or PCI cards.And I dont have a AGP card. So I was wondering if the Geforce4 MX420 "PCI" would work on that mobo """ ...So i plugged it in and powered the system..but there is no display.The monitor led flashes ...

Well thats I wanted a confirmation from the experts here ..that indeed PCI graphics wont work on that mobo.


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I tried in all the slots...all 5 of them.Anwyays I contacted the previous owner ..he told me that AGP card is required.He had told me earlier that AGP card is required ...and I told him I have a PCI card.He told to check it out...and thats why I posted this query here.Otherwise you guys will think why the heck am I posting here inspite of the previous owner telling me so.

Anyways thanks for help guys.I appreciate it very much.Thank you.


^^^ try to reset ur CMOS settings and if u can get a AGP card and set PCI as the video priority in bios.


"The Gentleman"
hey... their has to be an option in cmos settings whether to choose ONBOARD VIDEO OR an ADD-ON VIDEO CARD.... this type of options r usually present in mobo.... so check bios thoroughly.


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Guys I appreciate ur help ..
But nothing comes on screen when I plug the PCI graphics card so playing with the bios settings cannt be done.Anwyay today I ll try if I can find a AGP card and see if it works.
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