DLink GLB-502T problems

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Broken In
I just bought a new D-Link GLB-502T ADSL modem for use with my BSNL Dataone connection. I configured it to autodial as per instructions given on various sites and it connected properly.

However there are 2 problems neither of which I faced with my Huawei MT841.

1) The inteenet keeps disconnecting and connecting itself every one minute. I never faced this problem with the Huawei modem. What can I do about this? Its hardly usable coz it works for one minute, then disconnects and takes another 30 seconds to find the link and connect itself.

2) The ports on utorrent always show blocked. I know there is probably some way to configure it to open a certain port but on the MT841 all ports were always open and the port status on utorrent was always green no matter which port I used. Can the DLink be configured to work that way?


Pee into the Wind...
This is regarding second part of your query.My guess is Universal Plug n Play was enabled on second router.To do the same thing in GLB-502T, just enable UPnP in the router configuration.


Right off the assembly line
I have solved the voltage fluctuation problem with Dlink GLB 502T using a switch mode power adapter instead of dlink supply adapter.It cost me Rs.250/-Earlier internet connection used to get disconnected when there is minor change in voltage.Dlink adapter cannot handle this. Using ups does not also helps.But my new made in India adapter can handle voltage change.So no more disconnection.My adapter is
"Oswal SMPS Power Adapter"
Input 100v to 240v
Out put- can be switched between 3V to12v

although dlink requires 9V input,I have set adapter to 12V as 9V is not working.You can use SMPS adapter with 9V output if you can find.I am satisfied now.Here is some screen shot of my adapter-

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