Disable InPrivate Browsing

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InPrivate browsing this is most advanced feature of Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 8. What it does is it keeps your tracks clear, it provides you secure mode of surfing the web. InPrivate Browsing prevents Internet Explorer from storing data about a user’s browsing session. This includes cookies, temporary Internet files, history, and other data. No data is recorded, no cookies, no temporary files nothing is recorded or saved while you surf the web. Sounds very interesting Huh!

But for some people it is something that they don’t want, they want to keep records of their/someone activities, they don’t want some one to hit on their system and surf to any site without leaving a record. But it can’t be possible unless you don’t turn off InPrivate Browsing In Internet Explorer.

So how to do that?

Start your Registry Editor (Start > Run > type regeditand hit enter).

Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Privacy
Create a DWORD value named EnableInPrivateBrowsing and set it to 0, and to re-enable it, set the DWORD value to 1 or delete the key.

Now restart IE and you can see your applied changes.

Alternatively, you can download Registry Tweak that will do that.


PS: Did I mentioned a complete tweaking tool for IE is about to release in few days!! so stay tuned with beingPC.Com
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